Chapter 1221

In her eyes, she didn't think that Zeng Zimo was better than her son in any way, but he was lucky enough to be reborn as a son and grandson, and he was valued since he was a child.

If his son had been brought by Zeng Zhenlong's side to teach him carefully since he was a child, it wouldn't be like this.

Zeng Zhenlong couldn't wait to take the phone over, and called out anxiously, "Niuniu, where are you?"

Yang Zimei saw that it was an unfamiliar mobile phone number, and she was not very familiar with Zeng Zhenlong's voice, so she didn't recognize it all at once, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"I am your great-grandfather!"

Zeng Zhenlong said angrily, "Why can't you even hear Grandpa Zeng's voice?"

Yang Zimei heard clearly this time, and said anxiously, "Grandpa Zeng is good, I'm sorry, I didn't hear it just now."

"It's okay, where are you now? Did you come to Zeng's house by car? Do you know the way? Just now I asked your cousin to pick you up at the airport, but the car broke down and I went late, so I didn't pick you up. Now you Are you okay? Tell me where you are now, and I will ask Zimo to pick you up."

Zeng Zhenlong changed his usual cold-eyed and reticent attitude towards family and outsiders, and asked a series of questions like a nagging woman.

This made his two granddaughters-in-law roll their eyes again.

They always thought that grandpa was the kind of old man who was indifferent and uncaring, but they never thought that there would be such a side.

Could it be that Niu Niu was so fond of him?
At this time, Cheng Xiaojing also felt that the crisis was coming, and worried that her son Zeng Zimo's favored status would be affected.

"Grandpa Zeng, did you ask your cousin to pick me up?"

Yang Zimei did not inform Zeng Zhenlong exactly, saying that she came to the capital today, because she did not want to enter the Zeng family from the beginning, but wanted to live outside first, so that it would be convenient for her to check the files of the Long family tragedy, and it would be convenient for her to go Look for the Long Family House.

Probably uncle Zeng Tianhua told Zeng Zhenlong.

"Yes, I asked your cousin Ziqing to pick you up, and the room prepared for you at home has also been tidied up. Just waiting for you to come over!"

Zeng Zhenlong said earnestly.

Yang Zimei didn't expect that Grandpa Zeng would be so looking forward to her living in the past, so he was really touched.

"Grandpa Zeng, I've found a place to live now. I have something to do and I won't be there in a few days, okay?"

"Find a place to live? Why don't you live in Zeng's house when you come to the capital?"

When Zeng Zhenlong heard this, he became anxious, "Now the entire Zeng family knows that you are coming and is waiting for you. How can you live elsewhere? Tell me where you live, and I will ask Zimo to pick you up right away!"

Yang Zimei was sweating.

She didn't expect that she would bother the entire Zeng family to wait.

It seems that a big family is a big family.

For the time being, she didn't want the members of the Zeng family to know about her relationship with Jiang Ziliang. Moreover, they were still on the road and hadn't gone to Jiang Ziliang's little courtyard yet.

"Grandpa Zeng, cousin doesn't need to come pick me up, I have your address, I'll just go there later!"

"You are new to the capital, and you are not familiar with the place of life. The traffic in the capital is complicated, and people's hearts are unpredictable. You are a little girl's family. Let Zimo pick you up."

Zeng Zhenlong said worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm pretty good at knowing the way. Grandpa Zeng, I have to work a bit. I won't talk to you anymore. Goodbye."

(End of this chapter)

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