Chapter 1222

Yang Zimei didn't allow Zeng Zhenlong to say more, so she hung up the phone directly.

"Grandpa Zeng, what does Niuniu say?"

Seeing Zeng Zhenlong handing the phone to himself, Zeng Zimo asked.

"She said that she would come by herself later, so that you don't have to pick it up. I'm really worried, this girl, since she came to the capital, why didn't she just go home? Where can I find a place to live? Where can I live at home? Is it convenient?"

Zeng Zhenlong muttered dissatisfiedly.

"She said she found a place to live? Don't want to live in our house?"

Zeng Zimo asked puzzledly.

"It's not that she doesn't want to live in our house, but she's afraid she's not used to it. If I had known this, I'd have picked her up myself!"

After Zeng Zhenlong finished speaking, he gave Zeng Liangjiu a hard look.

"Heh, it's quite famous!"

Ye Wenxin sneered, "I'd like to see how divine she is. Grandpa wants to pick up the plane in person even in his old age."

"Just keep your mouth shut."

Zeng Longjiu saw his grandfather's complexion was not good, he hurriedly pushed and pulled his wife, and reprimanded him in a low voice.

Ye Wenxin gave him a blank look, and didn't say much.

"My great-grandfather asked me to live in Zeng's house."

Yang Zimei said helplessly to Jiang Ziliang, "But I don't want to."

"My little courtyard is not far from Zeng's house, only two streets away."

Jiang Ziliang replied, "Master, you can live wherever you want, it doesn't matter."

"That close?"

Yang Zimei asked in surprise.


"That's good. It's not convenient for me to bring Xuehu and others to live in the Zeng's house. They will stay in your little courtyard for now. I'll go to the Zeng's house alone. I'll sneak back when I have time."

Yang Zimei nodded.


Jiang Ziliang naturally had no objections.

He was trained as a soldier since he was a child, which made him used to absolute loyalty and obedience to his superiors and elders.

Therefore, whatever the master says, he is what he is.

On the way to Jiang Ziliang's small courtyard, one had to pass the Zeng family's mansion first.

"This is the Zeng family!"

Jiang Ziliang slowed down the speed of the car, pointed at the slightly bleak red lacquered gate house and said to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei watched seriously.

The word Zengfu on the gate shows that this house has a history of at least a thousand years.

She knew before that the Zeng family was a famous family, but she did not expect the family to have such a long history.

From the perspective of feng shui, the location of this house is also excellent, gathering spiritual energy from all directions.

It's a pity that there is a tall lamppost standing opposite the gate of the house.

It is this lamppost character that creates evil spirits for the house, which rushes straight into the house, making it impossible for the house to hide the wind and gather energy, and thus the family fortune declines.

Judging by the appearance of this lamp post, it should be about 50 to [-] years old.

It seemed that the reason why the Zeng family could no longer occupy a place in the capital was because of this lamp post.

It is really admirable that a thousand-year-old family was destroyed on a small lamppost.

It seemed that she had to find a chance for Grandpa Zeng to find a way to remove the lamp post.

The car was walking slowly on the street.

This street is an old street, with locust trees planted on both sides of the road, and the flowers on the trees are falling down one after another. It is very beautiful, and people don't realize that this is the bustling capital city, but just a small remote town.

Of course, those who can live here and own an old house are either rich or expensive, or inherited from traditional families.

Crossing this street, it only takes about 5 minutes to arrive at the little courtyard that Jiang Ziliang mentioned.

In fact, it wasn't a small courtyard, but a big house like the Zeng's.

[9 more is coming again, where is the applause? Where are the 5 points?Where is the share? 】

(End of this chapter)

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