Chapter 1223

"Your house has excellent feng shui!"

After getting out of the car and standing at the gate of the house, Yang Zimei couldn't help admiring Jiang Ziliang when he saw the house was covered with a thin layer of golden auspiciousness, "The wind gathers energy, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the Longzhen Cave (referring to The place where the real dragon forms its lairs), the ideal conditions for the three prosperous houses, all of them are here."

Jiang Ziliang smiled, "It turned out to be the prince's mansion. My great-grandfather's generation just moved in. Now everyone in the family dislikes the many snakes, rats, rats and ants here. Except for me, everyone else has moved out to live in other places. "

"Hehe, that's because they are ignorant!"

Yang Zimei smiled, "Animals are the most sensitive things, and they like to gather in prosperous places. There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants here, which is enough to prove that the vitality here is very prosperous. Your family has a lot to do with this house. relationship."

"Thank you, Master, for your instruction."

Jiang Ziliang said respectfully.

Yang Zimei stuck out his tongue.

Although she was a master, she didn't teach him anything.

Now it's just observing this house from the perspective of a Feng Shui master, and it doesn't teach anything.

In addition, she really didn't know how to address Jiang Ziliang.

It would be inappropriate for me as a master to call him Young Marshal Jiang, it would be too polite, so I guess he would not allow it.

It would feel weird if I called him Ziliang in the tone of an elder.

He is obviously about ten years older than him, and much more mature and stable than him.

It's all the master's fault, why would you accept such an older apprentice for her?

When I thought of Master, my heart ached again.

These days, the miss for Master seems to be relatively weak, but in fact, it has been deeply buried in my heart. It doesn’t matter if I don’t touch it at ordinary times. Grass grows like crazy.

Since seeing his back in the building next to the aunt, she has never seen any trace of him, and the black cat.

I don't know where it went.

Or maybe, he has completely become another person she doesn't know.

Seeing her expression change from the naughty one sticking out her tongue, to suddenly becoming a little gloomy and sullen, Jiang Ziliang thought he had done something wrong, and looked at her a little nervously.

"elder sister--"

Xiaoqian took Yang Zimei's hand, "Don't think about Daoist Yuqing anymore, now that you see your apprentice, be happy."

Yang Zimei didn't know how Xiaoqian could see through her own thoughts, so she nodded and forced a smile at Jiang Ziliang, "Suddenly I miss Master very much."

Jiang Ziliang's face also became sad.

Although his affection for Yuqing is not as deep as that of Yang Zimei, he has an inseparable kindness. Otherwise, he would not accept a girl who is so much younger than him as his master at Yuqing's request.

Ever since Yang Zimei said that Yuqing was missing, he began to secretly send people to search in City A, City B, and even all over the country.

Occasionally, there would be one or two traces of suspected Daoist Yuqing.

However, this trace seems to be very erratic.

Sometimes in the south, sometimes in the north, and those specially trained tracing experts sent out by him couldn't really capture Yuqing's whereabouts, and they all reported that he was like a ghost, and it was impossible for people to track him.

"Okay, don't be sad. Let's go in. I have to go to the Zeng's house later. I heard that there are a lot of people waiting for me at the Zeng's house."

(End of this chapter)

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