Chapter 1224

Seeing him sad, Yang Zimei couldn't help but reached out and patted his shoulder.

In this world, perhaps, she and Jiang Ziliang were the only ones left who truly cared about Master.

This common feeling of concern made her feel a little close to him, without the polite alienation before.

"Yes, Master!"

Reflexively, Jiang Ziliang stood at attention and saluted, "I have already sent many people out to look for the master. As soon as I have definite news, I will inform you as soon as possible. Don't be sad."

"Thank you."

Yang Zimei was also calm because she knew that Jiang Ziliang was sending someone to look for her master, and she didn't go looking for it blindly.

"Master is polite."

Hearing Yang Zimei thank him, Jiang Ziliang was still not used to it.

He has always been used to Taoist Yuqing's unkind face and domineering attitude towards him.

Of course, Yang Zimei didn't understand why the master didn't have a good face and tone to Jiang Ziliang every time, but he was still so filial, respectful and grateful to the master.

She once asked Master about the relationship between him and Jiang Ziliang.

But the master refused to say.

She had no choice but to give up, thinking in her heart that Jiang Ziliang must have committed a crime.

Jiang Ziliang pushed open the vermilion lacquered door that has gone through years of baptism, but is still very well maintained.

As soon as the gate was opened, a cool breath that seemed to come from the valley rushed in. Yang Zimei felt like pushing open the gate of her house in City A.

Sure enough, it is a spiritual acupoint where wind gathers energy.

Yang Zimei couldn't wait to step over the high threshold and walked in.

There are ancient pine trees in the west of the house, and ancient elm trees in the courtyard, both of which have a history of more than hundreds of years. They grow very well and are in line with Fengshui.

The ancient Chinese who knew Fengshui were very particular about the trees planted in the yard.

From the perspective of Feng Shui, there is such a saying: plant willows in front of the house, family luck will decline day by day, because willow trees belong to shade; if there are pine trees in the west of the house, wealth will continue; , because it affects lighting and ventilation, leading to stagnation of yin.In addition, it is not suitable to plant too many fruit trees in the yard, which will absorb the earth energy too much and affect the family luck.

And the tall elms are Yang trees, which have the effect of removing yin and producing yang, and the general mansions will be planted with elm trees!
And the gates of the houses I saw along the way just now are all pagoda trees, that's because pagoda trees represent "lu" in Feng Shui, and are in charge of official luck.In addition, the locust tree also has majesty and can be used as a town house.

In this house, in addition to the tall ancient elm and ancient pine trees, there are also Chinese toon trees that have the functions of protecting the house and praying for longevity in Feng Shui, the pomegranate tree with many children and good luck, and the noble and wealthy plum tree...

Of course, if it is an ordinary small house, it is not suitable to plant so many trees.

But this house is different, it occupies a large area and is full of vitality.

In addition, there are a lot of exotic flowers and plants here, and they all grow well. Even the water lilies seem to grow better than Yang Zimei's house.

The natural real dragon's lair is really very different from the artificially formed spirit gathering array.

It's like the difference between a natural beauty and a cosmetic beauty.

Moreover, the place where this house is located is the capital city where the dragon vein is located. Although it is not on the main dragon vein, I don't know which Fengshui master actually used the strange array to continuously introduce dragon energy into this house. It makes this house look more prosperous and more auspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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