Chapter 1225

The construction of the house is also extremely good. Although it has gone through hundreds of years, it is still solid and thick. The wood used is all precious nanmu, and even the main beam is made of golden nanmu.

What an understated luxury!
If one day Jiang Ziliang was so poor that he had no money, but dismantling these nanmu to buy would be enough to live a life of the rich.

The main furniture in the hall is also a set of rosewood furniture from the Ming Dynasty, which is more elegant than that of Yang Zimei's house. Both the workmanship and carving are of court level.

If it is put up for auction, even a chair can cost over [-] million yuan.

Rich apprentice!
Yang Zimei was speechless.

She suddenly felt her waist straighten a little.

I am the master of the rich!
The rest of the Jiang family really don't know what to do, they are willing to abandon such a good place and a good house, and move in those modern buildings made of reinforced concrete.

In fact, Huaxia's Fengshui architecture is the most ideal residence, which conforms to Yin Yang and Five Elements.

The five elements correspond to the directions. Earth represents the center, representing the earth that bears and nourishes all things; wood represents spring and the east, symbolizing the power of life and growth; water represents the east, which is a symbol of dislike of fire; gold represents the west, and also symbolizes force and punishment.

Among the five elements, only earth and wood are suitable as building materials.Therefore, most ancient Chinese buildings are based on soil, and wooden columns and beams are used as supports to construct living rooms.

Jiang Ziliang greeted them and the group to sit down.

"Niu Niu, what kind of apprentice are you? With such a big house, it would cost at least several hundred million yuan to buy it, right?"

Zeng Sihui took a sip of tea and asked Yang Zimei in a low voice.

Yang Zimei smiled, "If there are hundreds of millions, I guess I can only buy this chair under your butt."


Zeng Sihui took a sip of tea, "Isn't this a mahogany chair worth tens of thousands of dollars? How many millions?"

"This is a precious huanghuali wood chair, and it's also an antique from the Ming Dynasty. Just think about it and you'll know its value."

Yang Zimei explained.

Zeng Sihui's eyes widened, and she reached out to touch the glove, "My God, my ass is so expensive, and I'm actually sitting on a chair worth hundreds of millions. I must sit properly, or I will lose money."

After finishing speaking, her butt moved around restlessly on the chair, her appearance was so cute that Yang Zimei laughed.

As for Luo Bai, who was sitting opposite her, his gaze was originally attracted by the porcelain in the room, but now, he has completely shifted his gaze to Zeng Sihui.

The more she looks, the cuter she becomes. I feel that she is completely natural, not artificial at all, like a porcelain embryo just out of the oven, making people want to sculpt.

After taking a few sips of tea, Yang Zimei's cell phone rang again.

Seeing that it was a local number in the capital, Yang Zimei guessed that it must be her great-grandfather who continued to call and chase her.

Sure enough, as soon as he connected, Zeng Zhenlong's impatient voice came from the other side of the phone, "Niu Niu, when will you be here? Everyone is back, and the food is ready. I'm just waiting for you."

These words made Yang Zimei really feel a little stressed.

"Twenty minutes, I'll be there!"

"Two 10 minutes? Okay, I'll wait for you at the door! Don't get on the wrong bus." Zeng Zhenlong urged.

"No, Grandpa Zeng, don't worry, I'll just clean up and go."

Hearing that Grandpa Zeng was waiting for her at the door, Yang Zimei didn't dare delay the time.

It is really frightening to let an old man who is several generations older than himself wait at the door in his dying years.

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(End of this chapter)

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