Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1241 Who Is the Misfortune

Chapter 1241 Who Is the Misfortune (2)

At this time, Zeng Zimo hurried in with an extremely ugly expression.

"Zimo, where's your dad? Why hasn't he come back?"

Cheng Xiaojing asked nervously.

"I just received a call saying that he had a car accident on Shangwu Road and is being rescued."

As Zeng Zimo said, he picked up the car keys that had just been left on the table, "Grandpa, I'm going to the hospital now."

"What? Your dad was in a car accident?"

When Cheng Xiaojing heard this, he staggered, rolled his eyes, and fainted on the ground.

Zeng Zimo hurriedly hugged her and shouted, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

When Zeng Zhenlong heard that his eldest grandson had an accident, he also trembled, his breathing accelerated, his blood vessels were blocked, and he suddenly couldn't move.

Everyone started to mess up.

"Get out of the way, everyone, let me see Grandpa Zeng, don't surround yourself, let the air in!"

Yang Zimei separated the relatives who gathered around in a hurry, took out the silver needle, and pricked Zeng Zhenlong's acupuncture points a few times, using his vitality to dredge his blood vessels.

"Do you know acupuncture and moxibustion? Will the old man be stabbed to death like this?"

A cousin yelled, "I have to call an ambulance quickly."

Zeng Liangwei hurriedly called an ambulance.

Yang Zimei didn't bother to talk to them.

It is not the first time for her to rescue cerebral hemorrhage and stroke.

However, Zeng Zhenlong was old and his blood vessels were severely clogged, which made it more difficult to rescue him.

However, fortunately, her current level of cultivation has improved, and her vitality has already had a healing effect.

Under her acupuncture, Zeng Zhenlong's body was able to move.

"Grandpa Zeng, eat a slice of ginseng."

Yang Zimei took out a piece of thousand-year-old ginseng from the storage ring, put it in his mouth, and asked him to hold it.

When Zeng Zhenlong went to City A, he had experienced her medical skills. In addition, he almost stepped on his foot to see Lord Yan just now, and she rescued him.

Just now, when she was doing acupuncture for herself, he clearly felt a very comfortable breath ironing in his body, allowing his body to gradually regain consciousness.

At this time, Cheng Xiaojing also woke up leisurely. As soon as she woke up, she immediately grabbed Zeng Zimo's arm and asked anxiously, "Zimo, how is your father?"

Seeing her wake up, Zeng Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, "Mom, you fainted just now, I haven't gone yet."

"I'll go with you, quick!"

Cheng Xiaojing stood up hastily, her steps were weak, she staggered, and almost couldn't stand up again.

Lu Xi who was on the side supported her, "Sister-in-law, you are in a situation now, if you go, it will add to the trouble, let Zimo and Liangwei go, I will let you know if there is any situation."

"Yes, Mom, you'd better stay at home, lest I have to take care of you when the time comes."

Zeng Zimo said helplessly.

"Then... let's go."

Cheng Xiaojing also knew her situation. Although she was worried about her husband, she was afraid that she would cause trouble, so she agreed.

"Cousin, let me go with you."

Yang Zimei didn't know what happened to her uncle's car accident, so she went there to see if she could help.

"Zimo, quickly take Niuniu there, Niuniu's medical skills are pretty good."

Zeng Zhenlong said to Zeng Zimo, "You have to trust her, she saved me just now."

Zeng Zimo nodded.

"What is she going to do? Grandpa, you are so confused, she is a little girl, you asked her to save Liangcheng? Do you really want Liangcheng to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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