Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1242 Who Is the Misfortune

Chapter 1242 Who Is the Misfortune (3)

Cheng Xiaojing was in a coma just now, so she didn't see Yang Zimei rescue Zeng Zhenlong, so she didn't know her medical skills.

"Niuniu, go quickly, stop chatting with the ignorant woman."

Zeng Zhenlong was too lazy to help Cheng Xiaojing.

Yang Zimei nodded, and together with Zeng Zimo and Zeng Liangwei, hurried into Zeng Zimo's car and rushed to the hospital where Zeng Liangcheng was.

When they came to the rescue room, the three of them waited anxiously.

The emergency light came on, and the doctors and nurses opened the door, asking, "Who are the family members of the injured?"

"we are."

Zeng Zimo hurried forward and asked nervously, "What's wrong with my dad?"

"The broken bone stabbed the lungs, the internal injury was too serious, and the bleeding was too much. We have tried our best. You go in and see him for the last time."

The doctor said heavily and helplessly.

Zeng Zimo's feet softened.

Yang Zimei hurriedly shook his hand, injecting vitality into him.

Zeng Zimo regained his composure and hurried in. He saw his father lying on the hospital bed with tubes all over his body, knees bent, kneeling on the ground, tears streaming down his face, and he called hoarsely, "Dad—"

Zeng Liangcheng opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at Zeng Zimo.

Yang Zimei hastily made him swallow a thousand-year-old ginseng tablet, and checked his injuries. It was indeed a serious injury, and there was a dead air around him.

At this time, Yang Zimei had a call in his mind, that is, he should not be allowed to die.

It was because of himself that he rushed home and had an accident.

If he died, he would be blamed by Cheng Xiaojing and feel sorry for Zeng Zhenlong and Zeng Zimo.

Seeing Zeng Zhenlong so excited just now, he must also love this grandson very much.

"I want to see!"

After Yang Zimei finished speaking, he lifted the white sheet covering it, took out acupuncture, protected his heart that was about to fail, and then continuously injected his own vitality into him.

This vitality can heal and restore all wounds.

Ironed by her vitality, the wounds in Zeng Liangcheng's lungs are gradually healing, the blood begins to circulate rapidly, the heart that was about to stop beating back to normal, and the face that was ashen ashes began to turn red Woke up.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zeng Zimo was really pleasantly surprised, and excitedly watched Yang Zimei's acupuncture movements.

"All right!"

Yang Zimei retracted the needle, sweat dripping down his face.

This time, she wanted to snatch Zeng Liangcheng from the gate of hell, so almost half of her skill was spent.

"Dad, how are you feeling?"

Zeng Zimo hurriedly supported Zeng Liangcheng who was about to sit up from the bed, and asked anxiously.

Zeng Liangcheng touched his chest, and found that there was only a little pain, and those broken ribs were connected like a miracle.

"Zimo, help me walk."

He said in disbelief.

Zeng Zimo carefully helped him off the bed.

Zeng Liangcheng tried to walk a few steps, and he was no different from a normal person.

His third brother, Zeng Liangwei, was stunned.

Just now he clearly saw that his eldest brother was covered in wounds and was about to die, but now he seems to be fine. What kind of miracle is this?
He turned his gaze to Yang Zimei who was wiping away his sweat, "Niu Niu, are you doing magic? Is there such a magical medical skill in this world? If you open a hospital, wouldn't you make a lot of money?"

Yang Zimei smiled, "Uncle Third Cousin, it just so happens that I know some medical skills, so don't say anything."

She is not the Holy Mother, and she cannot save all sentient beings. Unless it is a special fate, she will not take action to heal people, and she does not want to cause such troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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