Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1249 What should I do if I want to go on a blind date with my apprentice

Chapter 1249 What should I do if I want to go on a blind date with my apprentice (6)

Hehe, she is really looking forward to her apprentice getting married and having children, as long as the person is not her.

"Niuniu, are you back?"

Zeng Sihui came out of the room and put on a fiery red short skirt, her slightly curly hair was casually draped, she was full of youthful enthusiasm, like a little witch.


Yang Zimei sized her up, "You are so beautifully dressed, where do you want to go?"

"Hey, where else can I go? Naturally, I'm going on a date with my male god Ge!"

Zeng Sihui pulled the hem of her skirt and turned around happily, "How is it? Will my outfit make people's eyes shine and amaze everyone?"

"Sister Sihui is like a little fairy!"

Xiaoqian said from the side, "It will definitely make people's eyes shine and surprise everyone."

"Hey, Xiaoqian has become more and more talkative recently, my sister really likes you so much."

Zeng Sihui reached out to pinch his lovely cheeks, and then asked Yang Zimei, "Niuniu, is it fun to go to Zeng's house?"

"If you're happy, you won't refuse to come with me."

Yang Zimei smiled wryly.

"Haha, I knew it would be like this. However, I thought you would be more pleasing, unlike me, who annoys people everywhere."

Zeng Sihui laughed, "So, don't tell them, I'm here."

"Your grandfather didn't tell them?"

"No, I told Grandpa not to say it, and he certainly won't say it."

Zeng Sihui looked at her watch, "I won't talk to you anymore, it's time for my date with Ge Nanshen, I have to go quickly, you guys play on your own!"

Hearing that she was dating Ge Liancheng, Yang Zimei's mood sank.


Zeng Sihui picked up her handbag, stepped on her red high heels, and flew away.

At this time, her cell phone rang, it was Jiang Ziliang's call.


As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Ziliang called her respectfully, "Where are you now?"

"I'm back to your house now."

"I'm sorry, I'm playing chess with grandpa at home now, and I won't be able to go back for a while. The car is in the garage, and there are keys in it. Just drive wherever you want to go."

Jiang Ziliang said.

"Okay, you can accompany your grandpa, let's go around by ourselves."

His words hit Yang Zimei's heart.

If Jiang Ziliang was by her side, she really felt at a loss.

Just after hanging up the phone, I received another call from An Shi.

At the airport, because of Jiang Ziliang's appearance, Jiang Yufan didn't dare to embarrass Antony anymore, but asked her about Yang Zimei's background.

How did Antoni know Yang Zimei's background, she only knew that her younger brother and father seemed to appreciate her very much.

As for himself, every time he meets Yang Zimei, he seems to be very unlucky, and he is her nemesis.

Jiang Yufan couldn't figure it out, so he let Antoni go, and made it clear that it was because of Yang Zimei's face.

In fact, it was on the face of his cousin Jiang Ziliang.

His cousin, who had always been regarded as a god, actually called a little girl as his master. His background must be extraordinary, and he would definitely not be a country girl like Antony said.

Therefore, he can't offend her even a little and let go of the person she wants to ask for love.

On the phone, An Shi thanked Yang Zimei very much, and said that he had a villa in the capital and invited her to live there.

Yang Zimei declined.

The Jiang family's house is the best place to live. If it is not for compelling reasons, she doesn't want to live in other places.

As for the Zeng family, she really didn't want to live there. She felt a little tired of having to deal with complicated people every day.

【Updated today】

(End of this chapter)

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