Chapter 1250 Dragon? (1)

Yang Zimei and the others didn't want to drive out to go shopping.

They just want to walk around and see.

What's more, their energy is exuberant, and their speed is absolutely fast. Tired, for them, it only exists in a duel.

For shopping, Xiaoqian and Lianyi are most interested.

Sadako and Xuehu, on the other hand, seemed to have seen through all the prosperity in the world, and they looked indifferent when they saw everything, without any waves.

In order for this monstrous Xuehu not to be watched and harassed, he disguised himself on this trip, pretending to be an ordinary man with squinting eyes and flat nose.

However, that figure, that temperament, walking in the crowd, will still make people's eyes shine.

Many girls were attracted by his back, but as soon as they ran to the front, they were immediately disillusioned, and they secretly regretted that it was such a pity to have such a good figure and such an ugly face.

There was even a fat girl who couldn't bear such a huge gap, and cursed at Xuehu, scolding him for wasting his good figure, and if he was ugly, don't come out to affect the appearance of the city, it's better to cover his face.

Yang Zimei and the others were angry and funny.

Yang Zimei and Sadako's dress is also more ordinary.

Both of them were only wearing simple casual clothes, and their hair was simply tied up. Although they were still very elegant, they were insignificant in this capital city full of beauties, and would not cause commotion and onlookers.

And the ones who were really watched were Xiaoqian and Lianyi.

Whoever saw the two of them couldn't help but stop and exclaim, "What a cute little boy, what a cute puppy!"

Every time she hears someone calling herself a puppy, Lian Yi gets extremely depressed.

Yang Zimei smiled and comforted it, "In the past, Xuehu was often called a puppy."

When she heard that Xuehu was often referred to as a puppy, Lianyi immediately became less depressed.

In fact, being regarded as a puppy is irrelevant, the most important thing is not to be recognized as a rare breed like Yunhu.

In this kind of place, once it is found to be a rare species, it is probably very dangerous.

Yang Zimei was the same as Xiaoqian at first, very curious about this prestigious capital, and wanted to see how it was different from GY City.

It turned out that apart from the old streets of the house where I lived, which still retain a certain old style, there is really nothing special here, and Feng Shui has been destroyed everywhere, the air in the city is not good, and everywhere is impetuous and noisy , is not a very suitable place to live.

"Sister, there seem to be a lot of people coming and going here, the food inside must be delicious and unique."

Xiaoqian pointed to a luxuriously decorated building and shouted.

Yang Zimei looked up.

The building looks very modern and Western-style on the outside, but it has an old-fashioned name, "Yunlai Restaurant".

The cars that come in and out here seem to be luxury cars, and the people, all of them look like they are well-dressed, either rich or expensive.

It has been an unmistakable truth since ancient times to eat in places where there are many people.

Since there are so many famous people here to eat, it means that the quality of the food is not bad, and I don't know what special dishes there are.

"Sister, let's go in too, I'm hungry."

Xiaoqian refused to leave.

"it is good."

Yang Zimei knew that he was a foodie by nature, if he didn't meet his requirements, he might have to roll around for a few blocks.

She took them along and wanted to go in, but the doorman asked her to provide her VIP card, saying that this place was only for VIP members.

(End of this chapter)

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