Chapter 1254 Dragon? (5)

Also, Yang Zimei's concentration was sufficient, so she just dazed for a moment, and then said with a generous smile, "We don't know each other, maybe it's a little abrupt?"

"The so-called acquaintance means that two people who didn't know each other suddenly bumped into each other at a certain moment, and then became acquaintances. Now that you suddenly broke into my world, it means that we met by fate, right? "

The man gracefully raised the wine glass in his hand, and made an invitation to her, "Now that we have met, let me have the opportunity to invite a beautiful lady like you to have a glass of wine."

"Thank you!"

Now that he said so, Yang Zimei sat down without being pretentious.

Because she also wanted to know about this man's background, why didn't even an arrogant young man like Jiang Yufan dare to hum when he heard his name?

What's more, he is still a handsome guy, seductive!

"My name is Reis, how about you?"

Lace looked at Yang Zimei with his blue eyes.


The name seemed familiar, and Yang Zimei didn't know who had mentioned it before.

Or maybe, the name Reis is a common name in the West, and I have seen it when I was learning English.

Yang Zimei didn't think too much, and introduced herself.

"Yang Zimei, Zimei, sister..."

Reis was whispering in his mouth, and the trembling ending sound was really sexy, especially when he was talking about his sister.

This is Long Zhutian's special address for her, she never imagined that it would be said from another person's mouth, and it was said so beautifully.

"We're friends now, I'll call you sister from now on, okay?"

Reis blinked at her and asked.

Those deep blue pupils were obviously seductive.

Yang Zimei dodged his slightly fiery gaze, smiled and refused, "No! You can call me any other name, except Meimei."

"But, I like to call you sister, sister, sister..."

Reis was like a prank, and even talked about a few sisters.

This made Yang Zimei feel very uncomfortable, feeling like betraying Long Zhutian.

She stood up, "Sorry, my friend is still waiting for me."

After finishing speaking, she pushed the door and walked out regardless of what Lace said.

Looking at her back with the door closed, Leisi's thin lips with beautiful curvature outlined an evil smile, and his deep-set pupils were thoughtful.

Take a picture out of the bag.

The person in the photo is Yang Zimei.

"Long Zhutian, your woman is just like this. Compared with my angel Man Resa, she is more than a grade behind. You would abandon my Man Resa for an ordinary girl with a commoner air. It's really too much." Funny."

Reis mocked, "For the sake of our being friends, I will help you solve this problem now, let your woman be in my arms, and then you will be with my Man Resa obediently, how about it?" ?”

After finishing speaking, his handsome smiling face suddenly became gloomy and fierce, and the wine glass in his hand was thrown towards the bright moon on the window...

Suddenly, the glass shattered on the ground.

The two waiters who were confused by Yang Zimei's evil spirit outside woke up when they heard the sound of glass breaking inside.

They looked at each other, hurriedly opened the door and went in, asking, "Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"


Leisi's eyes were gloomy and scary, so frightened that the two waiters hurried out and closed the door, slandering in their hearts, this man is so handsome, but his temper is so terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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