Chapter 1255 Dragon? (6)

Yang Zimei left Zuiyuexuan, lowered her head and pondered who that Lacey would be, and moved back to Huayinxuan.

Unexpectedly, at the corner, I bumped into a person.

This is an elderly man.

Seeing his appearance, Yang Zimei was slightly taken aback.

This old man actually has some similarities with Long Zhutian.

Because in GY City, I once met Liu Tianyu's family who looked very similar to Long Zhutian. For this old man who also looked like Long Zhutian, Yang Zimei was just a little startled, and it was normal.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you."

Yang Zimei apologized to him politely, and then opened the sky eye to read his message.

It's a pity that this is actually a person who she can't observe information with the eyes of the sky.


The old man looked at her indifferently, and said openly, "I didn't pay attention to the road."

"Hehe, thank you for your understanding, old man."

Yang Zimei laughed, showing her harmless smile, "My name is Yang Zimei, what's my name, uncle?"

The old man took another deep look at her, but only smiled meaningfully twice, and left without answering her words.

Hearing the two hehes, Yang Zimei understood that he thought of herself as someone who bumped into him on purpose and wanted to get acquainted with him.

Yang Zimei also grabbed a waiter who delivered food next to her, and wanted to ask the old man's information, but was politely refused, "I'm sorry, miss, we keep all the information of the guests confidential."


Yang Zimei reluctantly returned to Huayinxuan.

The dishes have already been served, all of which are themed with flowers, and the presentation is enough to make people's index fingers twitch and salivate.

"Miss Yang, you are finally back, we are all waiting for you."

When Jiang Yufan saw her coming back, he hurriedly stood up and opened the chair for her.

In that respect, he was a gentleman.

If she hadn't met him with the same extraordinary behavior as Antony on the plane, she would have thought he was nice and caring.

"Sister, I'm starving to death, I want to start, I want to see how different this is from the dishes made by Sadako."

Seeing her coming back, Xiaoqian eagerly stretched out her chopsticks and began to eat with relish.

"Eat it, Miss Yang, or it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Jiang Yufan said to Yang Zimei.

He was really depressed just now. During the 10 minutes when Yang Zimei went out, he wanted to take the opportunity to ask Xiaoqian and the others, but in the end, he was the only one who asked, but there was no answer.

No matter what he asked or said, they were silent, as if they completely ignored his existence.

He felt bored, so he stopped asking, but carefully looked at the person in front of him.

Only then did he realize that although Sadako was dressed in ordinary clothes, she was extremely beautiful and temperamental, which fit the image of the lover in his dream.

He couldn't understand why he had ignored the existence of such a beautiful woman before.

In fact, it wasn't that he ignored it, but that as Sadako's cultivation level deepened, the radiance on her body also subsided, making her aura ordinary and easy to be ignored.

This is also the highest level of ninjutsu.

An excellent ninja is not one who shines everywhere, but one who is easily overlooked.

Yang Zimei also has this state now, so although she is very beautiful, she becomes inconspicuous and unnoticed, just like a sharp sword hidden in its sheath, no one will know the light until it is drawn out.

[Attention! ! !In order to update the timing and not let you blindly wait for the update, Xixi decided to change the update method of writing a chapter and posting a chapter. Unless there are special circumstances, all the chapters will be grouped together in the future, that is, the update will be completed in the early morning or in the morning. Six chapters, then no updates in the afternoon and evening, please don't wait. 】

(End of this chapter)

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