Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1264 Spiritual beggar

Chapter 1264 Spiritual beggar (3)

Such a rascal, he still thinks of sympathy.

Forget it, in this world, there are always some people, where there are pitiful people, there must be sad ones.

So, she didn't give any money, and ordered the acupuncture points on the old beggar's legs, which made his legs weak, and he couldn't move for 10 minutes temporarily, and couldn't follow her.

Who knows, not long after she walked, she heard the voice of the old beggar, as if she was talking on a mobile phone, so she turned her head to look.

What he was holding was actually a new Nokia mobile phone (this was in 2003, and mobile phones were not yet common) and he was typing, "Little Five, Little Six, there is a big fish, go to the East Street, two women, one boy and one child, I have a lot of goods on me, how many people do you take with you?"

Yang Zimei was sweating, knowing that he was talking about them.

What a beggar, it turned out to be a terrible robbery group.

Yang Zimei's sympathy for the old beggar disappeared immediately.

The evil spirit in his hand popped out again and hit his wrist holding the phone.

Bang, the phone fell to the ground and the casing shattered.

Yang Zimei shrugged in relief.

She still walked towards the East Street to see how abominable these beggars and robbery groups are.

Sure enough, there were several beggars in the East Street at once.

Some of them pretended to have cerebral palsy, some pretended to have polio, some pretended to be disabled, and some pretended to sell themselves to bury their fathers.

They were all looking at Yang Zimei and his party with excited eyes, winking at each other.

Yang Zimei and the others pretended not to know anything and walked over.

"Please, give me some money."

The beggar in front who pretended to be disabled stretched out his hand to hug Yang Zimei's leg.

Yang Zimei raised her foot in disgust and kicked him to the side.

At this moment, she vaguely heard a click, and the flash of the camera was turned on.

"Kicking people, kicking people, it's fine if you don't give money, but kicking a poor disabled person like me with no legs, this world is too sympathetic..."

The beggar kicked over by her yelled loudly.

The other beggars took the opportunity to surround Yang Zimei and the others, trying to grab her with their hands.

Where would Yang Zimei let them meet?
She didn't bother to pay attention to the gazes of the bystanders, and angrily kicked them down one by one.

Passers-by continued to surround her, accusing her of being cruel and innocent, and actually wanted to do something to these poor beggars.

At this time, a man came in with a photo in his hand and waved it in front of her, "Little girl, I have already photographed your extremely uncivil behavior just now, and I will send it to the media unless you ……hey-hey……"

Yang Zimei couldn't hear the blackmail in his words, so she sneered and moved her fingers.

The photo in the man's hand suddenly burned without fire, and the fire was not hot, but cold, directly seeping from his hand to his whole body, making his hair stand on end.

Yang Zimei burned the photo with the dark fire just now.

The man hurriedly threw the burning photo on the ground, shivering all over, not understanding what happened.

"If you want to blackmail me, wait for your next life!"

Yang Zimei snatched the camera from him and squeezed it.

The camera was like dust, and it shattered in her hands. Everyone was dumbfounded and thought they were watching magic tricks.

She went to those beggars who were kicked over by her and pretended to be disabled, and took off their disguises one by one.

The crowd watched and understood what she meant, and they all accuse these beggars of deceiving people's sympathy in this way.

Yang Zimei is really speechless for these people who are obviously healthy and strong, but pretend to be disabled to get sympathy and beg on their knees.

They have been completely reduced to beggars in mind and robbers in behavior!

Sad and shameful!
(End of this chapter)

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