Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1265 Caring Apprentice

Chapter 1265 Caring Apprentice (1)

Yang Zimei didn't want to drive them too far, so she chose to leave instead of calling the police to arrest them.

However, she didn't want to drive him away too much, but he wanted to drive her out.

In this city, a group pretending to be beggars has already formed. In the days to come, they chased and blocked her, causing a lot of small troubles.

Yang Zimei had no choice but to see and kick one of them, no longer sympathizing with them, but laying poisonous hands on them, truly maiming them.

From the continuous small troubles this time, she concluded a truth: for shameless people, only by being more shameless can they put an end to their shamelessness!The so-called forgiveness is only for some people who still have a conscience!

This is something.

After taking care of these annoying robbers and beggars, Yang Zimei called Jiang Ziliang.

"Master, where are you now? I'll pick you up!"

As soon as Jiang Ziliang received her call, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Are you finished playing chess with your grandfather?"

Yang Zimei asked.

"Well. Just finished downloading."

Yang Zimei also told him the street where she was.

Regarding the blind date, she only said it when she wanted to meet, not to mention, she wanted to see his bracelet.

"Wait a minute, we'll be there in 10 minutes!"

After turning off Jiang Ziliang's phone, several people were waiting for his arrival.

In 10 minutes, Jiang Ziliang arrived on time, not missing a point, really a soldier's style.

Jiang Ziliang also drives a Land Rover.

This Land Rover is the same model as the one he gave Yang Zimei.

On that day, he ordered this car in duplicate, one for Yang Zimei and one for himself.

He got out of the car, carrying a foam box of ice in his hand.

She was wondering what it was, so he passed the box over, "This is ice cream, I don't know if you like it or not!"


As soon as Xiaoqian heard that it was ice cream, her mouth watered immediately, and she couldn't wait to take the box and open it.

It is filled with ten ice creams with cute appearance and various fruit flavors.

Xiaoqian took out a mango-flavored one and handed it to Yang Zimei, "Sister, you like this flavor!"

Yang Zimei took the ice cream.

She suddenly realized that in her two lifetimes, she had never eaten ice cream!
In the last life, I was too poor to eat ice cream.

In this life, she forgot about this kind of food!
Now I suddenly hold an ice cream in my hand, and it was delivered by Jiang Ziliang. I am very moved. I really want to know what kind of ice cream that many girls like.

Xiaoqian gave Lianyi an apple flavored one.

Sadako has a peach flavor, Xuehu has a vanilla flavor, and he himself has his favorite taro flavor.

Yang Zimei took a bite of the ice cream, it melted in the mouth, sweet and cold, soft and crispy, making the tongue feel the ultimate enjoyment.

"It's delicious, the rest of my body, you are not allowed to eat!"

Xiaoqian licked it with relish, looked at Jiang Ziliang and asked, "Young Master Jiang, what kind of ice cream is this? Where did you buy it? Buy more for me in the future."

"My cousin brought it back from France. I forcibly brought it here for you to eat."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Zimei, "Master, do you like it?"


Yang Zimei nodded.

"That's good! I heard that girls like to eat this!"

Jiang Ziliang's facial expression relaxed slightly, "Just like it! I thought Master would not like it."

"Hehe, although I am your master, I am also a girl."

Yang Zimei laughed.

【Dear Shiran, I tried to add your Q, but your Q needs to verify the password, so you can’t add it. You can join the group first: QQ group: 101489649 Xixi Harem.As for the update, as I said yesterday, the next six chapters will be updated at 0:[-] or together in the morning, it’s not that there will be no updates]

(End of this chapter)

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