Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1296 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1296 Suspected Life Experience (17)

"Xuehu, do you think these lotus have a demonic aura?"

Yang Zimei looked at the mixed black and white aura rising from the lotus lake, and asked while tugging at Xuehu's sleeve.

Xuehu nodded, "It is impossible for ordinary lotus flowers to grow like this. These lotus flowers are obviously cultivated with special materials."

"Special material? What would it be?"

Yang Zimei approached the lotus lake, picked up a long branch next to it, stretched it down, and brushed the mud inside a few times.

"Hey, miss, don't move around, this is a public viewing area, you can't damage the lotus like this."

She wanted to dial a few more times, but was stopped by an old man next to her.

Yang Zimei stuck out his tongue, "Old man, I didn't destroy the lotus, I'm just curious, what kind of fertilizer is applied here, can the lotus grow like this."

"Hehe, there is no need to apply any fertilizer here. The reason why this lotus grows so well is purely because of the aura in this place. Just like you, little girl, you are nourished so well because of your aura. nice."

Seeing her naughty and coquettish demeanor, the old man slowed down the seriousness on her face, and said with a smile.

"Huh? How can a piece of land have aura? Isn't it a land?"

Yang Zimei asked deliberately pretending not to understand.

"Girl, you don't know, the land is the land, but the land is the same as people, some have aura, some are barren and evil, so the things that are bred are also different. What is the aura? It doesn't make sense, anyway, I feel very comfortable sitting here for a few hours every day, it should be the effect of spiritual energy."

The old man smiled.

What he said made Yang Zimei pay attention to his face.

I saw that his Yintang, which seemed to be shining, was secretly lurking with a dead air that was approaching its end.

This kind of death aura is different from ordinary death aura, it seems to be poisoned by Gu poison.

"Old man, do you feel particularly uncomfortable if you don't come here for a day?"

Yang Zimei asked nervously.

"Yes, girl, you are right. If I don't come here for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over my body, as if I am going to die. Only when I come here can I feel refreshed. So, this place is also my blessing. I am absorbing spiritual energy here, maybe I can live to be hundreds of years old."

The old man nodded.

They are almost dead, and they still live to be hundreds of years old?
Yang Zimei muttered in her heart, and a disapproving smile appeared on her mouth.

"Girl, don't think I'm talking nonsense. I'll tell you quietly. You know why our former head of state, Wang Zeyuan, lived to be hundreds of years old. I heard that before the park opened, it was purely his own. He is able to live for such a long time by absorbing the spiritual energy here. Therefore, if I also come here to absorb the spiritual energy every day, I will definitely be able to live for a long time."

The old man said to Yang Zimei with a mysterious face.

"Huh? Wang Zeyuan lived here before?"

Yang Zimei glanced at Zhuge Yue.

"There is such a rumor, but no one can confirm it."

Zhuge Yue understood the meaning of her eyes and replied.

"Old man, that's just a rumor. I don't think I can believe such rumors."

Yang Zimei also deliberately said to the old man.

"Hehe, girl, it's really not a rumor. I live near this park. One day I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and got up to walk around. I saw the head of state Wang go out from the gate of the park with my own eyes!"

The old man said firmly.

"Really? When was that?"

"About ten years ago." The old man recalled, "There was another person by his side. If I am not mistaken, that person should be Master Meng Tianxiao, the national teacher that everyone defaulted at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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