Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1297 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1297 Suspected Life Experience (18)

It's Meng Tianxiao again!
Yang Zimei's eyes began to look a little strange again.

Xuehu touched her head in time.

Every time she was restless, as long as Xuehu touched her head, her heart would gradually calm down.

Moreover, Xuehu didn't use any mana.

I don't know why.

"Girl, you are so young, you may not have heard of the name of Master Meng Tianxiao, he is amazing, I was lucky enough to meet him once, let him help me figure out a divination, to be honest It’s amazing, it’s a real half-immortal!”

The old man didn't notice Yang Zimei's gloomy eyes at all, and when he mentioned Meng Tianxiao, he became more and more excited.

Yang Zimei watched him chattering silently.

After the old man finished speaking, seeing her like this, he thought she didn't understand anything, so he smiled a little awkwardly, "Yes, you are still young, and you don't know what I'm talking about. Anyway, remember, Master Meng Tianxiao He is a very powerful physiognomy."


Yang Zimei responded lightly, looked at a photography enthusiast not far away, and asked the old man, "Does that uncle also come here to take pictures of lotus flowers every day?"

"Yes, he is quite awesome. I heard that he is the vice president of the Photography Association, named Chen Fan. He stays here longer than me. I have to go home to eat every day, and he, He came here early every morning, brought dry food, just to play with his camera and take pictures of all kinds of lotus, he became a lotus professional, and won many awards."

The old man seemed to have not talked to anyone for a long time, or maybe he saw Yang Zimei, a cute and beautiful girl, who wanted to talk very much, and it was a big deal when he said it.

"How long has he been here?"

"It's been two years. I've been taking pictures of lotus flowers here regardless of the weather. Except when I go home to sleep at night, I may also be here at night, because I came here at five o'clock in the morning, and I found that he was taking pictures here in a dirty manner. .”

The old man added, "What a queer man."

Yang Zimei told Xuehu and Zhuge Yue to wait here, she walked over to the photographer Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was looking down at his camera.

Yang Zimei noticed that on his shiny seal, there was also a black line similar to that of the old man, showing a lifeless look.

If she guessed right, he, like the old man, was poisoned by the lotus lake.

The lotus itself is not poisonous!

Where did this black line that resembles a poisonous Gu come from?
Yang Zimei thought suspiciously.

Chen Fan looked up at this moment, just saw her, his eyes lit up, and said to her earnestly, "Girl, you look so refined, just like this lotus elf, can I ask you to be my lotus model? "


Yang Zimei refused without even thinking about it.

Seeing her refusal, Chen Fan thought it was because her request was too abrupt, so he hurriedly took out his ID of the Photography Association and handed it to her, "Hello, my name is Chen Fan, and I am from the Beijing Photography Association." Vice president."


Yang Zimei had no choice but to take the certificate, pretended to read it carefully, and handed it to him.

"Your image and temperament are very suitable for my shooting requirements. Recently, I have been wanting to take a group of photos of lotus elves to break through the previous style. However, I have not been able to find an ideal model."

(End of this chapter)

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