Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1317 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1317 Suspected Life Experience (38)

"Your nasty competitor again?"

"This time it's not about Lace's business, I'm on a mission." Long Zhutian replied.


Hearing this name, Yang Zimei immediately thought of the handsome blond man he met at Yunlai Hotel that day.

His name is also Reese.

Could it be the same person as Long Zhutian said about Lace?
Reis is an unusual name in the West, perhaps by coincidence?
"Zhu Tian, ​​what does Reis look like?" She couldn't help asking.

"Sister, let's talk about Reis's matter later, I have to deal with some funeral affairs later."

Yang Zimei heard a few mixed voices from Long Zhutian's side, it seemed that things were really busy, so she didn't tell him about finding his mother for now, so as not to cause trouble for him.

Therefore, she hung up the phone obediently.

Entering the room where Dragon Mother is, I found that she was already sleeping on the bed with a quilt, curled up like a cat, frowning slightly and showing a slightly painful expression, which made people feel heartbroken.

Yang Zimei reached out and touched her head, and cast a sleeping spell on her.

The expression on Mother Long's face eased slightly.

She who was asleep, excluding her skinny skin and almost transparent pale skin, was really beautiful.

The eyelashes are long and slightly curled, drawing two graceful arcs on her face like two small fans.

As for the other facial features, they all looked extremely grand and stretched.

This is the mother of the one I love!

Yang Zimei suddenly felt grateful to her, grateful to her for giving birth to Long Zhutian, so she met him and fell in love with him.

In the eyes of outsiders, the love between her and Long Zhutian is very sad.

In fact, if the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night?
Others are not by my side, but the love is there.

Because I am full of this kind of love and waiting in my heart, I have reduced a lot of hesitation in this life.

In this life, she has many things that are easy to get, but love has more twists and turns.

This ups and downs often made her uneasy, but it also made her truly feel that this love exists in a down-to-earth way, and it won't burst so easily like a bubble.


Mother Long suddenly turned over and screamed softly, while that hand was still holding the kyanite bracelet tightly.

Ever since Yang Zimei gave her the bracelet, she has been holding on to it, as if she was afraid that if she let go, she would lose it.

"Don't kill me Tian'er, don't kill me Tian'er, my Tian'er is not a freak, don't kill me..."

Dragon Mother pleaded in distress again, her lips trembling slightly.

Tranquility spell not working?
Yang Zimei was about to cast the spell again, but after thinking for a while, she stopped again and listened intently to what Longmu was talking in her sleep.

When she was awake, I dared not touch her scars and ask some questions.

Now, let's talk while she's dreaming.

It is said that when a person talks in his sleep, a sober person can make the sleeping person tell the truth.

"Who wants to kill you, Tian'er? No, I didn't see it."

Yang Zimei said softly.

"It's him!"

Mother Long's body trembled violently again, "If I don't give it to him, he will kill me, Tian'er, and let people all over the world call me Tian'er a freak. No, I'm not Tian'er, I'm not Tian'er!" Freak..."

"Who is he? What are you going to give him?"

Yang Zimei vaguely felt that he had caught some clues, so he perked up and continued to question.

【Good night】

(End of this chapter)

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