Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1318 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1318 Suspected Life Experience (39)

"He's a devil, a devil, a devil, don't touch me, ah..."

Mother Long screamed with tremors all over her body, opened her eyes suddenly, sat up, hugged her shoulders with her hands, and huddled into a ball, forming a defensive posture.

"Auntie, don't be afraid, it's me."

Yang Zimei hurriedly comforted her.

Mother Long's horrified pupils focused on Yang Zimei's face, and the horrified feelings eased a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't stop the cold sweat and trembling lips.

"Auntie, are you having a nightmare?"

Yang Zimei reached out to hold her hand, giving her strength to stabilize.

Mother of Dragons nodded and lowered her head, her long eyelashes were wet with tears.

"Auntie, who did you dream about? Can you tell me?"

Yang Zimei asked softly.

Mother Long looked up at her, then shook her head in panic, "No, it will kill you."

"Auntie, I'm not afraid. I'm quite capable. No one can kill me."

Yang Zimei looked at her with black eyes and said.

Mother Long pursed her lips and said nothing, her expression was rather tangled, as if she was experiencing a complicated inner world.

It's a pity that I don't know how to read minds.

Yes, mind reading, wouldn't Ripple do it?

I almost forgot the treasure of Lianyi.

Yang Zimei called Xiaoqian and asked him to call Lianyi over.

Soon, Ripple came bouncing.

Seeing Lianyi, Mother Long's expression became weird again, fixedly staring at Lianyi for a while, then went crazy, picked up the pillow and threw it at Lianyi, "Get out, you dead fox, get out!"

Lianyi didn't know what happened, and looked at Yang Zimei innocently.

Yang Zimei didn't understand why Mother Long was so excited when she saw Lianyi's expression, so she hurriedly waved her hand to let Lianyi go out.

After Lianyi left, Mother Long's agitated mood gradually calmed down, she hugged the quilt, curled up into a ball, her pale face was obviously hurt.

Why does she always look like this when she sees Ripples?

Could it be because of Long Zhutian's father?
She doesn't know whether Long Zhutian is half-human and half-fox like Long Zhuiyue, because she has never used the mirror that can see the soul to look at him.

Because Xuehu said before that the kyanite bracelet was an item of his fox clan, and Long Zhuiyue was half-human, half-fox, so it took it for granted that Long Zhutian should also be half-human, half-fox.

It was such a big blow to see the fox.

Is it because of too much love, or too much hate?

Yang Zimei was really puzzled.

She took Dragon Mother's hand and asked softly, "Auntie, why do you hate foxes so much? It's just my pet, don't be afraid."

"Fox, fox, fox, I hate foxes, don't let me see a fox, don't even see a fox fur!"

Mother Long's voice was a little hysterical, and her emotions became agitated again, and her eyes even showed a little madness.

"Okay, let's not talk about foxes."

Yang Zimei hurriedly comforted her.

If she resists Ripple so much, she will be in trouble in the future.

Lianyi can't hide from her every time she sees her, can she?
For the sensitive little Ripple, it would be a kind of harm, feeling like being rejected by others.

There is also the inability to read the mind of Dragon Mother.

It's a pity that Xuehu, who can transform into a human form, can't read minds, and can only guess at reading his own mind.

Mother Long held the kyanite bracelet tightly with her other hand, her gray pupils stared intently, not knowing what emotion it was.

(End of this chapter)

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