Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1399 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1399 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (21)

"elder sister--"

Xiaoqian's cry came from outside the door again, "Snow Lake is gone!"


Hearing this, Yang Zimei was startled, she stood up straight and was about to open the door, but Long Zhutian grabbed her, "Put on your clothes!"

Yang Zimei blushed, quickly arranged his clothes at an unprecedented speed, opened the door, and asked anxiously, "When did Xuehu disappear?"

Xiaoqian looked up, looked at her bright red face that hadn't faded, rolled her eyes, "No, I lied to you!"


Yang Zimei screamed, and picked up Xiaoqian, "Did you really lie to me?"

"Yes, I tricked you into opening the door!"

Xiaoqian blinked slyly.

Yang Zimei really wanted to beat his sneaky little face, "Is Xuehu still there?"


Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue, "It's still there, everyone said it was a lie to you." 
"Damn you dare to lie to me at this time? I'm so mad, I don't care about you!"

Yang Zimei put him on the ground, really annoyed!

Usually it's fine to cheat, but today at such a critical moment, it's too annoying to actually cheat!

"Go away!"

She gave Xiaoqian a blank look, "I don't want to see you for a few days!"

"Sister, you can't do this to me!"

Xiaoqian pouted, "I'm doing this for your own good!"

"Fuck off! Where is it for me?"

Xiaoqian looked her up and down, covered her mouth and said, "Sister, if I hadn't knocked on the door, wouldn't you be breaking your kung fu now? Don't forget that your master told you not to break your kung fu before, otherwise all your previous achievements will be wasted." !"

When Yang Zimei heard this, she immediately blushed, "You bastard! How do you know?"

"Sadako told me!"

Xiao Qian blinked with a smirk, "She said you're almost finished, let me come over and stop you!"

Yang Zimei was startled, "How did Zhenzi know?"

"Isn't she connected with you in certain emotions? Just now she suddenly felt flushed and short of breath. She thought that your strong emotions should have infected her, so she suspected that you were going to break the merits, so she hurriedly asked me to knock Knock on the door to wake you up!"

Xiaoqian said.

Shocked and ashamed, Yang Zimei opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

God, this is really scary.

Sadako could actually feel her rippling emotions!

How will I live in the future?
Because of the contract of dripping blood, she also knew that once she had strong emotions, Sadako would also be infected.

It was as if I found out that Master was buried deep in the ground that day, and my hair turned blue due to grief.

Sadako also changed accordingly.

However, she really didn't know if Sadako could feel ordinary emotions, because she didn't show them.

This time, the emotions between me and Long Zhutian were indeed too intense, and I didn't expect her to feel the same way.

It is really……

feel bad!

"Sister, you can't be impulsive, don't cause a lifetime of pain for a moment of pleasure!"

Xiaoqian taught in an adult tone, "Restraint! Must be restrained! As long as you bear it, in two years, you will be there!"

"Hold up on your wool!"

Yang Zimei felt extremely ashamed when a little devil like Xiaoqian said that, so she pushed him away, and then slammed the door to keep him out.

"Sister, Brother Zhutian, you have to be patient!"

Xiao Qian actually yelled loudly outside the door!

Yang Zimei was so ashamed that she really wanted to dive into the hole...

(End of this chapter)

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