Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1400 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1400 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (22)

"Dead little thousand, rotten little thousand, bad little thousand!"

Yang Zimei stamped her feet and scolded, then raised her head, her eyes collided with Long Zhutian's fiery black pupils, her heartstrings jumped violently as if being flicked by someone, and she dodged his gaze in a little panic.

Long Zhutian reached out and pulled her into his arms again.

His heart was also beating hard.

It seemed that the snare drum was beating continuously, which made Yang Zimei's heart beat faster.

Long Zhutian hugged her for a while, then let her go, and entered the bathroom.

Yang Zimei knew that he was going to lower the fire and solve it himself.

Listening to the sound of rushing water inside, looking at the looming and shaking figure in the frosted glass.

Strong lines, perfect inverted triangle...

Yang Zimei's ears felt dry and his heart beat again.

In order to prevent herself from continuing to daydream about Feifei, she had no choice but to open the door and walk out of the room to get some air, to cool off her almost uncontrollable enthusiasm.

Xiaoqian was still outside, seeing her blinking slyly.

Yang Zimei was really embarrassed to be looked at by him like this.

It's as shameful as if you were caught cheating on yourself.

"Damn Xiaoqian!"

Yang Zimei couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him and scolded him.

Xiaoqian made a funny face for her, and then hurriedly ran away to find Lianyi.

Fearing that everyone would look at her strangely, Yang Zimei was embarrassed to wander around, so she sat down on the stone chair next to her.

Seeing Guan Feng coming out of Long Zhuiyue's room, he hastily stepped forward to say hello, "Master Guan——"

"woke up?"

Guan Feng looked at her, and said earnestly and earnestly with the tone of an elder, "For those of us who cultivate vitality, what we are most concerned about is breaking our previous achievements. Then everything before that is equivalent to wasting all previous efforts."

When Yang Zimei heard this, she felt embarrassed.

God, how did Guan Feng know about this?

Does she still want to meet people?

"Well, this..."

Yang Zimei blushed, suddenly at a loss.

"Be careful in the future! Don't covet temporary enjoyment and destroy yourself!"

Guan Feng continued to exhort, "You are burdened with the expectations of many people."

Yang Zimei nodded with embarrassment, and hurriedly found a way to escape, and went to Xiaoqian to settle accounts!
This dead little thousand, did he let everyone in the whole house know about it?

On the way to find Xiaoqian, he met Jiang Ziliang again.


Jiang Ziliang stood at attention in front of her and saluted.


Yang Zimei didn't dare to face him, fearing that his apprentice knew the situation, so he could only muddle along.

"I just came back from a mission. I heard that Long Zhutian is back?"

Jiang Ziliang asked.

It turned out that he didn't know yet.

Yang Zimei heaved a sigh of relief, "Well, he's back! You haven't seen him yet, right?"

"No, I look forward to seeing you!"

Jiang Ziliang was naturally very curious about the man who could capture the heart of his master.

"Then I'll take you to see him!"

"Thank you Master! It's just Master, what should I call him?"

For this title, Jiang Ziliang was a little entangled.

He called Yang Zimei his master, and Long Zhutian was his master's man.

"You guys are about the same age, so just call them by your first names, don't worry about these names, haha."

Yang Zimei smiled.

"Yes, Master, then I am disrespectful."

Jiang Ziliang was very happy.

Yang Zimei took him back to her room, not knowing if Long Zhutian had taken a bath, so she asked Jiang Ziliang to wait first, and went in to see the situation by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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