Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1412 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1412 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (34)

"Don't need your concern at all?"

Yang Zimei sneered, "In this world, there is no child who doesn't need the care of his parents. If you think he doesn't need it, it's just because he once despaired of you."

Guan Feng's face was slightly red, "Maybe? From the moment he was born, I was rarely by his side. Even when his legs were paralyzed in an accident, I was not by his side. , took him to see a doctor. When his mother died, I couldn’t come back in time, it was all organized by him.”

Hearing what he said, Yang Zimei finally understood why Guan Shanyue didn't need her father anymore.

Such a father is indeed tantamount to hypocrisy.

No matter how much glory and wealth there is, it is meaningless.

"By the way, girl, who did you say Shanyue was crazy about?"

Guan Feng looked at Yang Zimei and asked, "Could it be you?"


Yang Zimei shook his head, "In the past ten years, he seems to be infatuated with a person named Miss Jingming, and this person looks exactly like Zhenzi. Maybe Zhenzi is Miss Jingming."

Guan Feng looked slightly surprised, "How is this possible? Miss Jingming from the Japanese Yin-Yang family is older than me, how could Shanyue be obsessed with her? Even if there is an Oedipus complex, it shouldn't be like this."

"Miss Jingming is older than you? How old is she?"

This time it was Yang Zimei's turn to be surprised.

"At least 80 years old. I saw her 60 years ago."

Guan Feng said.


Yang Zimei was puzzled, "Does she look exactly like Sadako?"

"She was wearing a veil at the time, and I didn't see her face clearly, but when you mention it, her figure should be similar, right?"

Guan Feng thought for a while.

"Could it be that the Miss Jingming you saw and the Miss Jingming Guan Shanyue saw were from different eras?"

Yang Zimei asked.

"There is also this possibility. The Jingming family is quite mysterious. Except for members of their family, outsiders generally cannot understand it."

"Everyone said this. I met Abe Qiannan from the Abe family before. He also thought that Sadako was a bit like his cousin, Ms. Jingming. When I was in GY City, I took Sadako to the jewelry exhibition and met many people. The Japanese call Sadako Miss Jingming."

"Sadako is a girl from the Jingming family. It is absolutely not surprising. In Japanese Onmyoji, there is a secret of the living dead. However, it takes at least 200 years to cultivate the living dead. Maybe it is their family Girls all look alike."

Guan Feng nodded and said.

"Guan Shanyue fell in love with Ms. Jingming at first sight in Japan ten years ago, so she kept her appearance in mind. He said that the Ms. Jingming he met had a similar face and figure, as well as a small mole on the corner of her lip. Exactly the same. Genetically speaking, it's a bit impossible."

Yang Zimei pondered, "Could it be that Zhenzi crawled out of the ground before?"

She tried her best to recall the situation of excavating Sadako that day.

It was completely covered in dust for more than a hundred years, and the soil definitely didn't look like it was newly moved.

It's a bit strange.

She also thought of the matter of Master being buried under the bed inexplicably, and told Guan Feng.

"Has something like this ever happened to Yuqing's nose? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Guan Feng blamed anxiously, "This is not an ordinary thing!"

Yang Zimei was sweating.

(End of this chapter)

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