Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1413 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1413 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (35)

She didn't spend much time with Guan Feng, and she didn't know whether he was good or bad. If it weren't for the bond of Long Zhuiyue, it would be difficult to talk so much like now.

How could she tell him the unbelievable incident of Master being buried on the ground?
"Master Guan, is there anything strange about this?"

Yang Zimei looked at him expectantly, hoping that he could give him an answer.

"Yes! How could there be no? Before, I suspected that Yuqing was no longer Yuqing. Now, I can be completely sure that Yuqing is really not Yuqing. What we meet again is just his body, not you Master."

Guan Feng said.

Although this suspicion has always been lurking in Yang Zimei's consciousness, once he pointed it out, her heart sank with a thud, as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her whole body felt cold.


It means that she may no longer have a master!

The most annoying thing is that her master's body was also occupied by others, so she couldn't rest in the ground.

Her body trembled slightly...

"Girl, there is no accident. All of this is a trick of Yin Yang."

Guan Feng patted her on the shoulder and said, "You have to be more cautious in the future. Also, keep in mind that Sadako is not the most reliable at any time. Of course, if she is a living dead in the pure sense, she is reliable. However, she is not, she is more likely to be a yin and yang evil body, and your current master."

Yang Zimei's heart became cold again.

Recalling that when Sadako was dug out that day, when the master called her to make a blood contract, she once looked back at the master, and remembered that the master's smile was a little strange, with a hint of sinister.

Since then, the master seems to have intentionally or unintentionally kept a certain distance from her, and became furious when she entered the room without knocking.

It's never been like this before.

Could it be that from the moment he opened Sadako's coffin, the master's soul was replaced?
Thinking of this, her whole body shuddered.

"The reason why your master was buried in the ground, and there is still a dead dog's head, it should have something to do with Sadako, who assisted by Sadako."

Guan Feng continued.

Listening to his words, Yang Zimei's heart seemed to be pinched by a big hand, making her unable to breathe.

For Sadako, she really refuses to admit that she is evil and harmful.

Especially last time, when she said the sincere words to herself, she was sincerely willing to trust her.

Now, Guan Feng suddenly told her that all the changes in his master may be related to her.

She really couldn't accept it either.

"Master Guan, is there any factual evidence for what you said?"

Yang Zimei asked unwillingly.

Guan Feng smiled, "There is no textual research, because all these are the products of Yin Yang, and Sadako is the same. Then, if your master is like this, you can't get rid of the relationship. So, I urge you not to take Lanman That's why I handed the star to her. Because the blue star with strong spiritual power is enough to awaken a person's soul. As for the consequences, I'm not sure."

Yang Zimei couldn't help but took out the blue star from the storage ring, "Will this thing be useful to my master?"

"Well. To resolve your master's situation, this is one of the magic tools."

Guan Feng nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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