Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1415 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1415 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (37)

Sadako listened quietly to what she had to say, neither arguing nor arguing, neither impatient nor impetuous, just asked lightly: "Do you still believe me?"

Hearing her question, Yang Zimei was startled.

She looked at Sadako's black pupils that were as calm as a lake, and that slightly hurt expression, her heart was slightly tugged again, and she lowered her head and replied, "I really want to believe it. But, Sadako, this involves me. Master, I hope you can understand."

"I see."

Sadako said lightly, "Because my origin is unknown, no matter what I do, I cannot make you truly trust me. However, I can't prove my origin myself. Master, can you tell me what should I do?" ?”

Listening to her seemingly plain but actually full of despair, Yang Zimei felt as if she had committed an unforgivable crime, and murmured, "I don't know either. It's just Sadako, I beg you, if you If you know any information about my master, tell me, okay?"

Sadako nodded slightly, lowered her head and continued cutting vegetables, as if the question just now had never happened.

Yang Zimei looked at her with embarrassment for a while, then walked out.

Her heart is no better than Sadako.

Because she was too lonely in the last life, she cherishes everyone in this life.

As long as someone treats her a little bit better, she will treat others redoubledly, afraid of being betrayed a little bit.


Hearing Jiang Ziliang's call, Yang Zimei hastily raised his thinking head and looked at him blankly.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Jiang Ziliang noticed that her expression was a bit heavy and asked.


Yang Zimei pursed her lips, "Why are you here? What about Zhutian?"

"Zhuiyue took him to go shopping, and said that her biggest wish was to go shopping with her brother, and Soi Ying agreed."

Jiang Ziliang replied.


Yang Zimei responded with a little disappointment.

She also thought about going to Long Zhutian to discuss it.

It seems that it is better to go to Xuehu and Xiaoqian.

"Master, what happened between you and Sadako?"

Jiang Ziliang took a close look at the details.

"It's okay, I just came to see what Sadako cooked today."

Yang Zimei sized him up, "What about you? You don't want to come to the kitchen to have a relationship with Sadako, do you? Your grandfather strongly objected to your liking Sadako."

"I control my life."

Jiang Ziliang said lightly, "I just came to see what kind of dishes Sadako cooks."

"Drunkards don't want to drink."

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes at him, "As the saying goes, a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but you are an imposing young commander. If you don't roll around in the battlefield, but watch women cook in the kitchen, you are useless."

"Master's criticism is correct. But, I like it."

Jiang Ziliang actually made a sly grimace, waved at her, and left her into the kitchen.

"Hey, when the disciple grows up, he won't be allowed to stay!"

Yang Zimei sighed helplessly, and quietly hooked his head in to have a look.

I saw that Jiang Ziliang, who was always calm, seemed a little embarrassed in front of Sadako at this time, but kept scratching his head and smiling silly, and then clumsily followed Sadako's instructions, carrying the plate and taking materials.

Looking at Sadako again, on her indifferent face, which is always reserved for strangers, there is actually a very gentle smile from the heart, and occasionally she would raise her head to glance at Jiang Ziliang, and then the smile deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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