Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1416 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1416 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (38)

The two feel very harmonious.

Yang Zimei's mood became even heavier.

Jiang Ziliang likes Zhenzi so much, I hope everything will be fine for Zhenzi, and she doesn't need to deal with her in the end.

Yang Zimei walked around the yard, and finally returned to Xuehu's room.

Xuehu was actually sleeping again.

The previous Xuehu, like her, almost didn't need to sleep.

Now I'm drowsy again, which is really worrying.

Xuehu curled up in a ball on the bed, her scorched head was exposed.

Yang Zimei couldn't help reaching out to touch it again.

When the scorched water was wiped on her palm, it was not as serious as what Xuehu said before, saying that once she touched it, her skin would also be affected and fester.

She touched its head in the morning too, and the hand was fine.

Seeing the scorched water gushing out from that cute little head, Yang Zimei felt sad.

She didn't know if Xuehu would hurt like this.

He never showed it.

Now that it has festered like this, it seems a little impossible to say that it doesn't hurt.

Yang Zimei took out the snow lotus ointment she made, spread it on her fingers, and gently stroked the scorched blackened part of Xuehu's head.

Maybe it was because the snow lotus ointment was cold and comfortable, or because she touched it with her vitality, Xuehu's slightly wrinkled little face, which was sleeping, gradually eased, and she slept more peacefully.

She also noticed that the scorched black water that originally flowed out seemed to have stopped.

Is this ointment and her vitality effective?

Yang Zimei was very happy, and continued to inject vitality and apply ointment to the top of Xuehu's head.

Xuehu suddenly opened his eyes——

When he saw Yang Zimei wiping his head with his fingers, he quickly tilted his head and bounced away, startling her.

"Xuehu, come here quickly, don't dodge, I'll heal your wounds."

Yang Zimei called out.

Xuehu stretched out her small paws to touch her head, and found that it was cool. She looked at Yang Zimei's hand nervously, "Girl, hurry up and wash your hands!"

Yang Zimei spread her palms and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, there's nothing wrong with it."

Xuehu stared at her tender white palm, as if afraid that in the blink of an eye, scorched dirty water would flow out of her hand.

After looking at it for a while, he found that the skin on Yang Zimei's hands hadn't changed much, so he let out a sigh of relief, walked up to her, jumped into her arms naturally, and curled up.

Yang Zimei reached out to touch his head again, and said angrily, "Really, you don't have to worry about it."

"Still worried."

Xuehu's paw touched her palm, "This is the mark left by Thor, not an ordinary scar."

"Maybe I'm special. After you rescued Zhutian before, your whole body seemed to be frozen. It was my tears that melted the ice." Yang Zimei said.

"Is there such a thing?"

Xuehu looked up at her, "Let me tell you about the specific situation."

Yang Zimei told the situation that day.

After hearing this, Xuehu put his little face on Yang Zimei's palm, "So girl, your tears can warm me!"

"So, maybe I can help you heal Thor's injury too. You see, the water is not flowing."

Yang Zimei carried him to the mirror and asked him to look after him.

Xuehu looked at it seriously for a while, joy appeared on his face.

Although it didn't look good like that, it stopped the annoying scorched black water from flowing out.

(End of this chapter)

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