Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1427 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1427 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (49)

She glanced at Long Zhutian, and didn't step forward, but said to Xuehu and the others, "Let's go, let's go to Linghui Temple and find my grandfather."

"Sister, don't you want to speak to Big Brother Zhutian?"

Xiao Qian didn't notice her strangeness, "Let him go with us."

"Forget it, let him go shopping with Zhuiyue, we are busy with our work."

Yang Zimei's tone was a little angry, so her voice was a little high.

Long Zhutian heard it.

He pulled the extremely unwilling Long Zhuiyue over, and yelled guiltily, "Sister, where are you going? I'll go with you!"

"Brother, you just said that you still want to accompany me to Wangfujing to eat snacks."

Long Zhuiyue pouted at the side, "Why are you going to be with my sister-in-law in the blink of an eye?"

After finishing speaking, she turned to Yang Zimei's direction again, "Sister-in-law, you and brother will have a long life in the future, so stay a little longer, okay?"


Yang Zimei agreed hypocritically.

But that heart is really upset!
She looked at Long Zhutian to see what choice he had to make.

"Xiaoyue, let's go to Wangfujing later, the most important thing is to help my sister find grandpa, so don't make trouble."

Long Zhutian said to Long Zhuyue patiently.

"Brother, do you think I'm making trouble?"

Long Zhuiyue pouted a little aggrievedly, "Do you not like me anymore? Well, I will never compete with my sister-in-law for your time again, and you can accompany me whenever you are free."

After finishing speaking, she pursed her lips, lowered her head and drew circles on the ground with her toes.

Yang Zimei was embarrassed.

She understood Long Zhuyue's longing for family companionship and love.

But why couldn't Long Zhuiyue understand her feelings?
It seems that her master really spoiled her like a child in the past.

In the past, she felt that Long Zhuiyue could cry whenever she wanted, laugh whenever she wanted, and she liked to reveal any emotion at will and do things according to her preferences.

Now, it feels a little nasty.

After all, they are already sixteen or seventeen years old, and they are not three-year-olds anymore.

It's really inappropriate to be so indulgent.

What's more, she deliberately wanted to dominate Long Zhutian.

Judging by her current attitude towards Long Zhutian, apart from being like a domineering younger sister, she is more like a lover.

"Chasing the sky, you can chase the moon with me. Xuehu and I will go find grandpa."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and said to Xuehu beside her, "Xuehu, let's go."

Only then did Long Zhutian discover the existence of Snow Lake.

Because he was out shopping, in order to avoid unnecessary commotion caused by that peerless face, Xuehu disguised himself as an ordinary person, and did not cover up the lightning-like scar on his head, which looked a bit ugly.

"Is this Snow Lake?"

This is the first time for Long Zhutian to see Xuehu in human form.


Xuehu nodded faintly, "Hello!"

"Hello there!"

Seeing Xuehu and Yang Zimei getting closer, Long Zhutian felt a little sour.

He let go of Long Chayue, put his arms around Yang Zimei's waist, separated Yang Zimei from Xuehu, and said, "You are no longer a fox, you should keep a certain distance from your sister."

Xuehu smiled lightly, didn't say much, but took a step back.

"Brother, where are you?"

Long Zhuiyue was set aside by Long Zhutian, "opened" her empty eyes, stretched out her hands helplessly, and cried out in a pitiful search.

"At this."

Seeing her like that, Long Zhutian responded hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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