Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1428 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1428 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (50)

"Brother, help me..."

Long Zhuiyue stumbled over, but accurately reached out and grabbed Long Zhutian's remaining arm, forcing Yang Zimei to go aside.

Yang Zimei took a step back helplessly, seeing Long Zhuiyue domineeringly occupying Long Zhutian like a domineering little lover, feeling a little dumbfounded.

This Long Zhuiyue's feelings for Long Zhutian will not exceed the feelings of normal siblings, right?


Seeing the ugly expression on Yang Zimei's face, Long Zhutian said helplessly, "Can you stop making trouble?"

"Brother, what's wrong with me?"

Long Zhuiyue was half aggrieved and half coquettish, and put his head on Long Zhutian's broad shoulders, with a look of reluctance to leave, "Since you want to be with sister-in-law, then I will follow, I really do Don't make trouble, and don't ask you to go shopping alone with me."

"You guys should go shopping alone."

Yang Zimei really didn't like it, "The mountains are high and the roads are far away, you can't see with your eyes, so it's not suitable for you to walk. Take her shopping, I can take care of myself. Even if there are big things, Snow Lake is there ,nothing."

Long Zhutian took a look at Snow Lake.

No matter how dull his senses were, he could still sensitively see that Yang Zimei was getting angry now, and was very displeased with him and Long Zhuiyue.

Of course he felt sorry for the younger sister Long Zhuiyue, who was blind.

However, he couldn't let this feeling hurt Yang Zimei.

If he really wanted to give up, he would still give up on Long Zhuiyue.

If Chasing the Moon wasn't so exclusive, and his attachment to himself wasn't so excessive, or even deformed, everyone would be able to live in harmony.

"Sister, you guys go first, I'll send Xiaoyue back to Jiang's house, and then rush over there!"

Long Zhutian's pupils looked deeply at Yang Zimei.

That look was enough to express his importance and love for her.

Yang Zimei naturally understood.

Thinking that I would be angry at Long Zhuiyue's petty temper, I was really a bit stingy.

No matter how much Long Zhuiyue messes around, what's the point?
As long as Long Zhutian firmly loves her.

Therefore, she smiled slightly, "Okay, let's go first!"

Seeing her generous smile, Long Zhutian felt relieved.

Although Long Zhuiyue couldn't see everyone's expressions, he could feel the atmosphere.

Smart, she also realized that she might have done something wrong, which aroused her brother's impatience.

Therefore, she quickly changed her expression, raised an innocent smiling face, and said earnestly, "Brother, sister-in-law, although I am blind, I promise, I will not become a burden I have been living with my master in the cave in the cemetery since I was a child, and I actually don’t use my eyes to see things. Just now I always looked like I was about to wrestle. You should think this way to occupy your brother, after all, I am just a younger sister, and my brother should be yours."

If it was before, Yang Zimei would definitely be moved when he heard this.

Now, instead, Long Zhuiyue felt a little scary.

Originally such a passionate and innocent child, how did he become such a scheming child?

Is it just me thinking too much, or is she really like this?
When Long Zhutian heard this, his heart ached for his younger sister, and he reached out and touched Long Zhuiyue's head, "It's okay, my sister won't blame you."

"Well, thank you brother, thank you sister-in-law."

Long Zhuiyue held her tears a little bit aggrievedly, pursed her lips and lowered her head.

(End of this chapter)

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