Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1429 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1429 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (51)

Yang Zimei sighed and let her go.

She has always known that Long Zhuiyue looks bright and strong on the surface, but in fact she is extremely fragile inside, so she longs for others' attention and more love.

I still used malicious thoughts to speculate on her, which may be a bit too much.

Linghui Temple is about [-] kilometers away from the capital, hidden in a national A-level protected scenic spot mountain.

Its location is very surprising. It is directly hung on the cliff wall. It has a history of more than 1000 years. I don't know how the working people built it at that time.

Standing on a high cliff, looking at the temple hanging in the air below, Yang Zimei really lamented the wisdom and ability of human beings.

"Sister, this temple is really interesting."

Xiaoqian looked at it for a while and said, "Aren't you afraid of earthquakes and torrents?"

"I read the introduction about Linghui Temple in the book, saying that it has a history of more than 1000 years. There have been five earthquakes here, but it has not moved at all."

Yang Zimei said.

"It's amazing. If I live in it, I still feel uneasy. I always worry that if I wake up in the middle of the night, I may fall to the bottom of the mountain."

Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue and said.

"Zhu Tian, ​​take care of Chayue, we have to go down this iron rope."

Yang Zimei turned her head and said to Long Zhutian.

"Okay! Be careful!"

At this moment, Long Zhutian really wanted to hold hands with her and step on the iron rope below together.

However, he only has one hand now, and this hand must be reserved for Long Zhuyue, who is blind.

No matter how important Long Zhuiyue was, she was also his younger sister, and he couldn't let her slip up in the slightest.

Xuehu walked ahead, Yang Zimei pulled Xiaoqian to follow, Zhenzi took care of Lianyi, Long Zhutian led Long Chayue, and the few people started to walk in this steep and precipitous place, which made people feel like falling into the abyss of eternal doom just by looking at it walking on the cableway.

Because she has experienced a lot, and Yang Zimei's current cultivation level, even if she falls from here, she will not be able to die. She is not nervous anymore, but is worried about Long Zhutian and Long Zhuyue behind.

The two held hands tightly, and if they were not careful, they would fall off.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Xuehu suddenly stopped.

Everyone also stopped.

"Xuehu, what's wrong?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

"We can't seem to get anywhere close to the temple."

Xuehu looked forward and said, "This cableway is not long. At our speed, we should be able to walk there in 15 minutes. However, we seem to be in the middle all the time."

When he said this, Yang Zimei also noticed it.

They have been walking all the time, but the temple is like a castle in the air, they can't get close no matter what, and they always keep the distance that is neither far nor close.

What kind of ropeway is this?

"Let me observe."

Xuehu's body suddenly jumped, jumping high from the iron chain.

However, it disappeared in an instant.

"Snow Lake?"

Yang Zimei felt that something was wrong and called out nervously, "Where are you?"

Xuehu didn't respond, and seemed to disappear.

Everyone waited for a while, but still did not see Xuehu come back.


Lianyi called a few times, indicating that it was going to look for it.

Before Yang Zimei could stop her, Lianyi jumped off the iron chain, and then disappeared like a bubble without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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