Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1431 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1431 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (53)

"Sister, why can't we jump out of here?"

Xiaoqian shook off Sadako's hand, "I'll give it a try!"

"Xiao Qian, don't!"

Yang Zimei hastily pulled him back, "What should I do if you disappear?"

Hearing her words, Xiaoqian was so moved that she blinked and looked at her, "Okay, sister, no matter what, I will be with you."

"Master, the situation seems to be different from before."

Sadako took two steps on the iron chain, turned her head and said.

"What's different?"

Yang Zimei felt that nothing had changed in the past four weeks.

"Look at that snake!"

Sadako pointed to a little black snake crawling forward along the cliff, "It was beside us just now, but now it has gone far away."

After she finished speaking, she continued to walk several steps forward, widening the distance from Yang Zimei and the others.

No matter how Yang Zimei walked just now, it seemed that she would not be able to walk this distance.

She also took a few steps forward in doubt, as if the strange circle that had always been at the origin had disappeared, and the road seemed to be really normal.

She waved to Xiao Qian and Long Zhutian, letting them come over too.

Several people started to walk forward slowly again.

"Sister, Snow Lake!"

Xiaoqian pointed to a white figure in front of the temple and cried out happily.

Yang Zimei took a closer look, and it really was Snow Lake.

That heart immediately rejoiced.

At the foot of the snow lake, there is a small furry figure, that is Ripples.

Xuehu and Lianyi also saw them.

Lianyi spread her legs and ran up the cableway, walked towards them, and jumped into Yang Zimei's arms.

Yang Zimei walked with it in her arms.

The next thing is to approach the cableway, the temple, and the snow lake without any suspense.

It turned out that the jump just now made them jump out of that strange different-dimensional space and enter the real space.

Long Zhutian also came with Chasing Moon.

Seeing that he was still clenching Long Zhuyue's hand tightly, Yang Zimei's heart felt like being pricked by a needle, which made her very uncomfortable even though she had already figured it out.

She also hastily shifted her attention to look at the ancient temple.

From the perspective of feng shui, the auspicious aura of this ancient temple is extremely strong, and there is a white mist lingering everywhere, which can be seen even with the naked eye.

The ancient pine trees around here are also very lush and strong, covering the entire temple like a pair of big umbrellas.

Everything around is so quiet, only the chirping of birds and the squeak of insects.

Looking at the entrance of the temple, it is so clean that there are no fallen leaves. It is obvious that someone is often cleaning it.

I don't know how many monks lived in this strange little temple.

My own grandfather is really different, he actually chose such a temple to shave and practice.

The vermilion lacquered door with a certain age was opened, and Yang Zimei was eager to see her grandfather, so she took the lead and stepped into the Sanmen hall.

On both sides of the inner door of the three-door hall, there are two big King Kong trees.

The sculptures of these two King Kong are extremely good and lifelike, and their eyes are looking at you fiercely, as if they are going to sweep you out of the house at any time.

"Xuehu, won't you go in?"

Xiaoqian's voice came from outside the door.

Yang Zimei looked back and found Xuehu standing about two meters outside the door, looking like she wanted to enter but refused to enter.

She suddenly thought that Xuehu is a demon!

And this temple is a Buddhist holy place, belonging to the domain of the gods.

It might not be a good fit for him to come in.

(End of this chapter)

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