Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1432 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1432 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (54)

So, Yang Zimei turned around again and said to him, "Xuehu, if you are not suitable to come in, then don't come in, just wait outside the door, there are Lianyi and Zhenzi."

Xuehu nodded, "It's really inappropriate, I'll wait for you here, and call if you need something."

"it is good."

Yang Zimei looked at Long Zhutian again, "Zhutian, what about you? It might not be suitable for Chasing the Moon."

Long Zhuiyue is half-human, half-fox, and in a sense, he can be considered a demon.

Of course, she also had a little selfishness, she just wanted Long Zhuyue to stay outside, and she and Long Zhutian went in to find grandpa.

This meaning is a bit big.

"There is nothing I can't go in. I used to stay overnight in the temple, and I didn't see anything."

Long Zhuiyue said while clenching Long Zhutian's hand, "I just want to be with brother and sister-in-law."

I don't want to ask questions!Yang Zimei wailed in her heart.

She looked at Long Zhutian, hoping that he could make a proper decision and follow her opinion.

"Xiaoyue, I want to go in with my sister, you stay here."

Long Zhutian let go of Long Zhuyue's hand, and said emphatically, "My sister wants to see her grandpa, so I have to accompany her."

Long Zhuiyue stretched his face, and pouted a little aggrievedly, "Why can't I accompany you? Do you think I'm a light bulb?"


Yang Zimei finally couldn't help it anymore, "I have the same thoughts as you. There are some things that I just want to do alone with Zhutian. I don't want anyone else, even you!"

After Long Zhuiyue heard this, a complex expression appeared on his face, and he asked Long Zhutian unwillingly, "Brother, what about you? Do you also think I'm a light bulb?"

"Xiaoyue, I don't dislike you, but my sister is right. There are some things that I want to do alone with my sister."

Long Zhutian's tone was a bit firm, "You have to stay here!"

"All right!"

Long Zhuiyue squatted down very injured, with his arms folded in his hands, a pair of empty eyes blinking blankly.

That way, it is even more pitiful than a stray dog.

However, Yang Zimei didn't want to soften her heart this time.

She felt that if he continued to let things go like this, Long Zhuiyue would be like a greedy child, constantly wanting to ask Long Zhutian for more.

This will definitely affect the relationship between himself and Long Zhutian.

Therefore, she took Long Zhutian's hand that should belong to her but had been occupied by Long Zhuiyue for a long time, and re-entered the Sanmen Hall without looking back.

Long Zhutian also glanced at Long Zhuiyue, and followed Yang Zimei without saying a word.

He also realized that his sister's attitude towards him was a bit deformed and too dependent.

It made him think of Maretha.

What's more, he found that Yang Zimei was already very dissatisfied.

Therefore, it can no longer be tolerated like this.

When Long Zhuiyue saw that he really ignored him, but left him mercilessly and left, she burst into tears of grievance.

No one comforted her.

Including Xiao Qianlianyi, they all stared at her coldly, not caring about her.

Ignoring himself, Long Zhuiyue sobbed for a while and stopped crying, but in his heart he already regarded Yang Zimei as a rival in love who robbed his brother.

If there is no Yang Zimei, my brother should all belong to me, right?

She thought silently in her heart.

Who knows, her thoughts were read by the ripples that were close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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