Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1452 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1452 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (74)

"Can you see it clearly?"

Guan Feng rubbed his eyes, and saw that other objects were clear, but the little golden snake was blurred, so he asked other people.

"very clear."

Yang Zimei replied, "Master Guan, what's the matter?"

"It blinked at me just now, and I can't see it clearly."

Guan Feng was extremely depressed.

The little golden snake blinked again.

A golden light flashed in front of Guan Feng's eyes, and after a closer look, it became clear again.

It seems that this little golden snake itself possesses illusion.

In order to protect his eyes, he didn't dare to look any further, but shifted his gaze to Long Zhutian.

"Zhutian, where's your mahogany card?"

Guan Feng found that his neck was empty, so he hurriedly asked.

Long Zhutian reached out and touched his neck, "It's lost."

"Really, how can this be lost? This will be the key for you to open the gate of the ancient tomb."

Guan Feng blamed a little anxiously.

Hearing what he said, Yang Zimei was a little surprised.

She has never told Guan Feng about the mahogany plaque, nor about her adventures in those ancient tombs before.

How does this Guanfeng know that the mahogany card can open the ancient tomb?
"Master Guan, what do you mean?"

Yang Zimei asked blankly.

"Xiaomei, you clearly know it, and you still ask me. You can't go to the ancient tomb in the west of the state until you have collected the 14 yuan mahogany tokens. How many yuan do you have now?"

Guan Feng rolled his eyes at Yang Zimei.

"Zhutian is gone, and the one I got in Yue Village is also gone. Now only seven pieces are clearly traced, and the remaining seven pieces are unknown."

Yang Zimei smiled wryly.

"I have another piece here!"

Guan Feng took out a mahogany card and handed it to her, "It was cheated by Che Guangliang, the president of the Antique Association."

Yang Zimei's eyes lit up, and she took the mahogany card over to look at it, and it was indeed the one with Che Guangliang.

"How did you cheat?"

Yang Zimei thought of Che Guangliang's refusal to give up the mahogany card at that time, and planned to steal it later.

"He is my nominal disciple. How can he not give what my master wants?"

Guan Feng looked at her and said, "Now I have also sent many people to conduct a nationwide search, hoping to speed up the process of finding the mahogany card. It's fine if you can't find other mahogany cards. The most important thing is to find the one on you." The main mahogany card!"

Yang Zimei looked at Long Zhutian's neck.

She also wanted to find the mahogany card as soon as possible.

Without it, her heart was always restless.

The mahogany plaque on his neck also seemed to have lost its aura, turning into a lifeless and ordinary mahogany plaque.

Therefore, she suspected that something ominous happened to Long Zhutian's mahogany plaque.

In case it gets destroyed!
It also means that all mahogany cards are useless!

Long Zhutian was thinking with his head down. The last time he saw the mahogany card, he was sniped by a hundred gunmen from Lace, and he was shot dozens of times. His wounds healed quickly, allowing him to be revived on the spot with full blood.

Since then, he has been ignoring its existence.

Man Leisha always wanted him to give her the mahogany card as a gift, and he tried both hard and soft, but he flatly refused.

"I see, that woman must have given it to you! That's why you won't let me touch it!"

Man Resha said angrily at the time, "One day, I will definitely let it be in my hands, hum!"

He didn't take it to heart at the time.

With Man Resha's ability, it is impossible to take away the belongings from her body.

[Xixi's QQ group: Xixi harem 101489649]

(End of this chapter)

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