Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1453 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1453 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (75)

"Day by day, where did you think you lost it?"

Yang Zimei saw that his brows were slightly wrinkled and his black pupils became a little dark, so she hurriedly asked.

Long Zhutian shook his head, "Not yet."


Yang Zimei nodded in disappointment.

At this moment, her phone rang. It was from the Zeng family.

I haven't contacted Grandpa Zeng for many days.

Yang Zimei answered the phone, and the voice of his grandfather Zeng Zhenlong came from the other side, "Niu Niu, tomorrow is my birthday, you have to come here, you'd better bring Zi Liang here too."

"Zi Liang is going to Yunnan to carry out a mission tomorrow, so I will go there by myself."

Yang Zimei said.


Zeng Zhenlong then asked, "Do you know who your real grandfather is?"

Yang Zimei was worried that he would go to the Rong family to make trouble, so she said, "Grandpa Zeng, no matter who my grandfather is, it will definitely not be the Jiang family. Ziliang and I are just friends, not what you imagined. Don’t make random guesses in the future.”

"I know, you have said before that Jiang Ziliang is your master. This is also a very good relationship."

Zeng Zhenlong said self-righteously.

Yang Zimei didn't explain, "Grandpa Zeng, is there anything else? I'm eating now, and I'll come over early tomorrow to celebrate your birthday."

"Okay, okay, you eat first, Grandpa Zeng is waiting for you."

Seeing that she was a little impatient, Zeng Zhenlong had no choice but to hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Zimei thought of her cousin Zeng Sihui.

These days, everyone leaves early and returns late, and rarely sees each other. She doesn't know what her cousin likes to do now?

Grandpa Zeng's birthday is tomorrow, no matter what, she has to go with her, so as not to be too depressed.

Called Zeng Sihui's mobile phone and waited for a long time before being connected.

A thick and pleasant male voice came from the phone, "Hello, is this Miss Yang Zimei? Sihui is drunk and fell asleep now."

Yang Zimei's heart sank, her tone turned cold, "Ge Liancheng?"

"Yes, haha, Ms. Yang, you have a pretty good memory, and you still remember my voice. It's been a long time, so don't worry about it."

Ge Liancheng laughed, his voice was a little frivolous.

Yang Zimei frowned in disgust, "Where is my cousin now?"

"Hehe, she is my girlfriend now, so naturally she is by my side?"

Ge Liancheng laughed, "I'm sleeping soundly."

"Ge Liancheng, my cousin is only 17 years old. If you dare to touch her, I will definitely ruin your reputation immediately."

Yang Zimei warned.

"Haha, Ms. Yang, what you said is wrong. It is her you want to warn. She is the one who wants to touch me. She just hugged me and said she would be my woman for the rest of her life."

Ge Liancheng laughed, "You two sisters are really different, one is as passionate as fire, and the other is as indifferent as ice."

"Don't take my cousin's liking for you as a joke."

Yang Zimei said angrily, "Tell me the address, and I will bring her back."

"Haha, how dare you trouble Miss Yang? Don't worry, I will send her to you intact. I am only interested in you, not her at all."

Ge Liancheng continued to laugh.

Yang Zimei became more and more disgusted.

In her last life, she squatted in front of someone's shop and watched him on TV, and she was also fascinated by him for a long time, thinking that he was a gentle gentleman, infatuated and handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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