Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1460 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1460 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (82)

Long Zhutian said with a tone of love and anger.

Hearing him call Silly Niuniu, Yang Zimei's heart fluttered, her cheeks flushed, and the little episode brought by Lace quickly disappeared.

She stretched out her hand to hug his waist and make out with him, but suddenly a long snake stick out from his trouser pocket.


Yang Zimei was so frightened that she screamed and bounced away.

Xuehu, Xiaoqian, Zhenzi, Lianyi, Guanfeng, and Long Zhuixue rushed over from different places and surrounded them.

"Sister, what happened?"

Xiaoqian asked anxiously.

Seeing how many people reacted to her scream, Yang Zimei shook her head in shame, "It's okay, I was scared by that little golden snake."

Everyone looked at Long Zhutian's trouser pocket——

I saw the instigator, the little golden snake, slyly sticking out its tongue towards everyone, with eyes like slits, and an innocent smile that was not a smile.

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes.

It suddenly sticks out its tongue at Yang Zimei.

The tongue can extend several meters at once, reaching directly to Yang Zimei's face.

Yang Zimei was so frightened that she did a backflip again, dodging its disgusting three-pronged tongue.

Although it is golden and does not look evil, Yang Zimei, who is naturally resistant to snakes, still cannot love it.

The little golden snake moved its tongue to Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian was not afraid at all, and stretched out her little hand to pat its long tongue, which felt very amusing.

Ripple saw it and joined the camp.

Soon, a child, a fox, and a golden snake rolled and played together. Yang Zimei and the others shook their heads and dispersed after seeing nothing.

The little golden snake was still playing with Lianyi Xiaoqian, so Yang Zimei took the opportunity to hug Long Zhutian's waist again, and said a little aggrieved, "You will have to carry that little golden snake with you from now on, it's really troublesome."

She was afraid that in the future, when she would make out with Long Zhutian, for example, when kissing, the naughty little golden snake would suddenly stick out its tongue to pinch it.

In that case, there is no interest at all.

It would be great if Long Zhutian also had a storage ring to store this little golden snake.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Guan Feng coming excitedly, "Zhutian, Xiaomei, there is good news!"

"What good news?"

Yang Zimei looked at him suspiciously.

"Where's your little golden snake?"

Guan Feng looked Long Zhutian up and down and asked.

"You were playing with Xiao Qianlianyi over there. Master Guan, are you not afraid that the little golden snake will blind you?"

Yang Zimei joked.

"I don't care about that for now. I just want to tell Zhutian that you can make a contract with the little golden snake and let it directly attach itself to your body. It will not come out until you call it."

Guan Feng said excitedly, "And I also found a way to make a contract!"

Yang Zimei couldn't help thinking of the bloody contract with Sadako.

Because of this blood contract, no matter how much suspicion she had towards Sadako, she had to be tied to her to live and die together.

Tying one's life to another's is a very unfree thing.

Therefore, she dislikes contracts very much, and she is not at all willing to make a contract between Long Zhutian and Little Golden Snake.

If Guan Feng made a mistake in the contract and caused Long Zhutian to turn into a snake, it would be a disaster.

So, she shook her head directly, "Master Guan, there is no need for this. You should go and work on your serum!"

"Xiaomei, there are many advantages to making a contract with a spiritual creature like the little golden snake, so don't rush to object."

Guan Feng said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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