Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1461 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1461 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (83)

"Master Guan, everything has pros and cons. For example, the blood contract between me and Sadako seems to have many benefits on the surface, but in fact, it has also become a burden for me, and it cannot be lifted."

Yang Zimei argued.

"This pet contract is different from Sadako's."

Guan Feng explained, "It is not a living dead, and it has no possibility of being manipulated. Moreover, it has recognized Long Zhutian as its master from the very beginning, so the only person who can control it is Long Zhutian. After forming a contract, it can absorb its spirituality, strengthen its own body functions, and communicate with the snake, and summon it at will. Xiaomei, as long as the golden snake reaches a certain level of spiritual power, it will eventually become like a dragon. You Think about it, if he has the spiritual power of a dragon, how enviable it would be?"

This explanation is very tempting!

However, Yang Zimei still wanted to respect Long Zhutian's opinion, so she looked at him and asked, "Zhutian, what do you think?"

"I want to make a contract with Xiao Jin."

Long Zhutian nodded, "From the moment I saw it, I felt that it was destined to be with me. If it is really possible to contract life and death, then I am also willing."

He and Yang Zimei are both of the same kind.

The attitude towards a person or thing is often based on first impressions only.

"What if there are other disadvantages?"

Yang Zimei reminded.

Long Zhutian smiled, "Accept it frankly. Just like you love me, it is also accompanied by all kinds of ups and downs because of me, but you, don't you accept it just as frankly?"

Yang Zimei thought about it too.

There is really no big deal in this world.

If you want to be happy, you must go through a painful experience, otherwise, everything is like a castle in the air.

Yang Zimei stopped blocking, but asked Guan Feng how to form a contract.

The process of forming the contract was similar to the blood drop contract she had made with Sadako at that time, to inject the blood essence of Long Zhutian into the little golden snake.

And this injection method is a bit creepy, it must be bitten by the golden snake with its teeth and swallowed by itself.

Therefore, to complete this contract, the little golden snake must cooperate.

"Master Guan, is the little golden snake poisonous?"

Yang Zimei was worried that the contract would fail, and if she poisoned Long Zhutian instead, it would be terrible.

"This one……"

Guan Feng was not sure, "Why don't you let me do a serum toxicity test on the little golden snake first?"

"It's safer."

Yang Zimei nodded, "It's about life, don't be careless."

"Then this Delong goes to fetch the tooth venom of the little golden snake and give it to me."

Guan Feng took out a small test tube from his pocket and handed it to Long Zhutian.

Long Zhutian took it over.


An idea came to Guan Feng's mind, and his eyes lit up again, "Zhutian, can you also help me get some serum from the little golden snake? I want to see if its serum is different from other snake clans."

After speaking, he took out another small test tube, "It doesn't need much, just a few drops of blood."

"I have to seek Xiaojin's opinion on this."

Long Zhutian said, "It is not an ordinary animal, just like Ripple, we have to respect it as a human being."

Yang Zimei agreed with his statement.

"Okay, then you can ask it for me. I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to study it and it's different."

Guan Feng said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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