Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1466 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1466 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (88)

"Then I must control it within the normal range."

Long Zhuiyue said hurriedly as if he was afraid that Yang Zimei would abandon her.

Yang Zimei smiled wordlessly, and continued chatting with Zeng Sihui.

Because the Gambling Stone Market is not far from Jiang's house, everyone walked all the way there under the leadership of Guan Feng, talking and laughing, which was pleasant.

Here, like Guangyuan, a gambling stone street has naturally formed, with a history of almost a thousand years.

The scale of these stores is larger than that of Guangyuan. According to Guan Feng, they are generally operated for generations, and they are very professional.

Like other places on Gambling Stone Street, it is also very lively and crowded with people coming and going.

If you know it, you want to try your luck to catch a leak. If you don’t know it, let’s see how they miraculously extract a beautiful emerald from a piece of rough wool.

Therefore, there is always a large crowd of excited people around the stone-dissolving machine.

"I haven't been here in almost ten years and nothing has changed."

Guan Feng looked around and said, "However, I guess not many people know me."

"Director Guan, what you said is wrong!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a voice talking, "The person who should be there is always there, why doesn't anyone know you?"

Guan Feng followed the voice and saw an old man wearing a black suit and silver-white hair standing not far away, but in good spirits. The King of Stone, Mr. Ling Feng, is really lucky."

"Haha, now that there are so many newcomers, how dare I be called the King of Gambling Stones?" Ling Feng laughed, walked over, looked at Guan Feng and asked, "Director Guan, long time no see, are you okay?"

"Thanks to Mr. Ling's care, eating, drinking, and sleeping are still normal for the time being."

Guan Feng joked.

"Director Guan really likes to joke more and more."

Ling Feng looked around Yang Zimei and the others sharply.

As the king of stone gambling, one must have very good insight.

He found that although the group of young men and women like Guanfeng were dressed in ordinary clothes, their aura was like a piece of rough jade, hiding an extraordinary light.

Even the little boy with pink make-up and exquisite jade looks special and different.

"Master, Master—"

At this moment, there was a crisp call.

Looking at the figure of the woman coming out of the shop, Yang Zimei seemed to see a haze passing over his head.

The world is really small.

That woman was actually Zhou Jieying, the mayor's daughter, who gambled heavily with her in GY City last time and was so angry that she vomited blood and went crazy.

Power really can cover the sky, and she should be in the prison at this time, instead of being high-spirited here.

"I love my disciple Zhou Jieying."

Ling Feng didn't know about the feud between Zhou Jieying and Yang Zimei, but introduced to Guan Feng lovingly, "She is a rare talent in betting stones, even I sometimes lose to her."

"It's really a famous teacher who produces a good student! Mr. Ling, you are very lucky."

Guan Feng said.

Zhou Jieying stepped aside, recognized Yang Zimei and Zeng Sihui at a glance, her face changed slightly, thinking of the humiliation of the defeat that day, sparks burst out in her beautiful eyes.

If only her eyes could fly daggers.

Yang Zimei is probably about to be hacked into pieces at this time!
Because of Yang Zimei's existence, Zhou Jieying was the greatest shame!

[Xixi’s cousin is getting married, today is the third watch, I wish everyone a happy New Year’s Day, and a prosperous 2014! 】

(End of this chapter)

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