Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1467 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1467 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (89)

"Niu Niu, look at Zhou Jieying's eyes, as if she wants to kill you, hehe, she really doesn't know what to do, she actually wants to provoke you."

Zeng Sihui also discovered Zhou Jieying's hatred for Yang Zimei, she pushed Yang Zimei aside, and said with disgust, "The person I hate the most is Zhou Jieying, who is usually domineering in our Guangyuan, known as the first lady of Guangyuan, in our circle, Who dares to see that she is not flattering, she will punish him. One of my classmates said one day that she didn't know how to match clothes, and she called some hooligans to drag my classmate out and let her wear it. The ugliest clothes, forced her to parade on the street for three days, causing my classmate who always loves beauty to be so depressed that she almost committed suicide by jumping off the building. She also gave me several times of anger, saying that I am not like Miss Everyone, with a face Earth phase, I’m so angry like a nouveau riche. Niuniu, you have to find an opportunity to help us out.”

Yang Zimei pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

She reckoned that even if she didn't seek trouble from Zhou Jieying, she would still seek trouble from herself given her posture.

For Zhou Jieying, she didn't have any good feelings from the beginning to the end. Now that they meet again, she doesn't mind making her hysterical again.

Just now Zeng Sihui's voice was not low, and she said it to Zhou Jieying on purpose, so she was so angry that her face darkened slightly, and she looked at Yang Zimei with more gloomy and cold eyes.

Regarding the fiasco in Guangyuan last time, she has always stubbornly believed that it was just Yang Zimei's bad luck.

Moreover, Yang Zimei deliberately pretended to be lucky at that time.

Now, she has her master by her side, and she also believes that Yang Zimei will not have the same luck again.

Because her recent luck is simply against the sky. The day before yesterday, she followed her master to the China-Myanmar border to gamble on stones. It is an honor to get her autograph.

Therefore, this time, she must return the humiliation that Yang Zimei inflicted on her that day, even with interest.

Guan Feng and God of Gamblers Ling Feng also found something wrong between the younger generations.

"Hehe, Mr. Ling, your disciple looks at my niece very unusually!"

Guan Feng smiled and said, "It seems that there was a festival between them."

Ling Feng looked back at Zhou Jieying.

He and Guan Feng don't have a deep friendship, and even a bit of peer resentment.

Although he is the king of gambling stones, his sharpness is often overshadowed by erudite knowledge.

Now, it is very unusual for his favorite student to show unusual hostility towards a little girl brought by Guan Feng.

Gambling stones often pay attention to calmness, calmness and restraint, without showing emotions.

After so many years of his training, Zhou Jieying has done a good job in this aspect.

But she didn't expect that when she saw that little girl, she couldn't hide her hatred. It was probably the little girl she said last time that made her suffer so much humiliation in Guangyuan.

His eyes were fixed on Yang Zimei.

Looking at it so carefully, it surprised him a bit.

This is really a girl with pink make-up and jade, Zhong Ling is delicate, like a piece of white jade made of old pit glass, her skin has no blemishes, her eyes are purer and brighter than black jade made of glass, and there is a point on her forehead Cinnabar, like gathering all the aura in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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