Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1468 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1468 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (90)

Her demeanor was also calm, with a smile on the corner of her lips. Facing Zhou Jieying's strong hostility towards her, she was still calm and calm, and she did not show the pride of being the winner.

Good jade!

Ling Feng couldn't help admiring secretly in his heart.

Then he looked back at his disciple Zhou Jieying.

Among the general crowd, he was considered a standout, extraordinary and refined, but compared with the group in front of him, he seemed a little more vulgar.

Even so, he still prefers Zhou Jieying.

This is his beloved apprentice who has been trained by himself, and there is an extremely deep relationship between the master and the apprentice, and they will not dislike the jade that is always with them just because they find a piece of high-quality jade.

However, if he could get Yang Zimei as his apprentice, he felt that it would be the most proud thing in his stone gambling career.

In recent years, he has never gambled with stones, and even declared to the outside world that he would leave the opportunity to young people. Since then, he has washed his hands and only concentrated on cultivating his lover Zhou Jieying.

Everyone thought that his realm was already very high, but only he knew that recently his judgment was not as sharp as before.

Without that keen judgment, it means that his stone gambling career can no longer be brilliant.

A person like him who has reached the peak cannot allow himself to fall down and be ridiculed by everyone. It is better to change his posture and step back so that people can still remember that he is still the God of Gamblers who used to be all-powerful in the stone gambling world.

Since ancient times, famous teachers have produced outstanding apprentices, but there are also excellent apprentices who have become famous teachers.

His stone gambling career is hopeless, but Zhou Jieying has.

Her stone gambling talent is rare, and she is also smart, studious, sharp judgment, and a child can be taught.

As long as she succeeds, he will still be a myth in the minds of others.

Now, he found that Yang Zimei in front of him seemed to be more spiritual and calm than Zhou Jieying, and more suitable for cultivation.

Since she was able to defeat Zhou Jieying that day, it meant that her talent was not at fault.

"Director Guan, who is this little girl?"

Ling Feng also asked Guan Feng directly.

"Haha, the disciple of an old friend of mine is Yang Zimei."

Guan Feng turned his head and said to Yang Zimei, "Little sister, hurry up and say hello to Mr. Guan, he is the well-known God of Gambling Stones."

Ling Feng thought that most people's eyes would light up when they heard his title, especially little girls.

However, the little girl named Yang Zimei's expression was still very calm, she just nodded slightly and politely to him, "Hello, Mr. Ling."

She didn't even say a word of polite words such as long-known daimyo.

As the saying goes, if you love the house, you will die, but if you hate the house, you will die too.

Because of Zhou Jieying's relationship, Yang Zimei didn't have much affection for her master Ling Feng.

What's more, looking at Ling Feng's face, he found that his intentions were not very upright, and his eyelids were vacant and drooping, with an appearance of excessive indulgence.

Her observation was not wrong.

The reason why Ling Feng's judgment has deteriorated in recent years is because he relaxes himself and indulges in the sensuality.

Even Zhou Jieying, in the eyes of outsiders, is a pair of master and apprentice.

In fact, to him, Zhou Jieying is also a little stunner who secretly warms the bed.

"Good good!"

Ling Feng found that her voice was very soft and melodious, like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley.

I was thinking in my heart again, I don't know how ecstasy it would be to make such a sound screaming?

(End of this chapter)

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