Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1474 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1474 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (97)

As soon as the competition rules came out, Zeng Sihui yelled, "This is wrong, Zhou Jieying, you have learned jade carving since you were young, and our little girl has never learned anything, you are simply cheating!"

"Jade carving is also a necessary skill for those who play jadeite. There is nothing fair or unfair. Why was my master named the God of Gamblers in the first place? It was in these three links that day that I won! As his Apprentice, naturally you can't lower the standard of the competition."

Zhou Jieying snorted coldly, "If you don't dare to compete, you should admit defeat as soon as possible, kneel in front of me, and let me beg for mercy!"

"You think beautiful!"

Zeng Sihui tugged on Yang Zimei's clothes uneasily, "Niu Niu, it's all my fault for wanting to bet with her on impulse, what do you think?"


Yang Zimei smiled faintly, and comforted her, "I'm not going to lose to someone like her."

"you sure?"

Zeng Sihui's eyes lit up.


Yang Zimei nodded.

"That's great! Niuniu, just give me a sigh of relief. I want to see the so-called first daughter of Guangyuan take off her clothes and parade in the street. What a pleasing scene it will be."

Zeng Sihui took out a new mobile phone, "Fortunately, the latest mobile phone that I asked someone to purchase in the United States has arrived, and it has camera and video functions."

"Enough is enough."

Yang Zimei glanced at Zeng Sihui and said, "What should be done and what should not be done, we should have a standard in our hearts."

"As long as you are kind, you are great. If she wins, she will definitely not let go of any opportunity to humiliate you! Grandpa Mao once said that the kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself. You let go this time." Pass her, with her virtue, she will continue to bite you like a mad dog next time."

Zeng Sihui replied disapprovingly.

Yang Zimei pursed his lips.

What Zeng Sihui said was not without reason.

However, as a cultivator, as long as she doesn't touch her bottom line or hurt her loved ones, she will always leave a line for others.

The first part of the competition begins, and the time given to the contestants is one hour.

It is quite difficult to pick out three pieces of wool that may turn green in this gambling stone street lined with shops within an hour.

Zhou Jieying had walked around here last night, and she had her eyes on a few pieces of wool, but she couldn't buy them because she didn't have the money at the time, so she brought her master here today and asked him to pay for it.

Therefore, she didn't have to choose at all, and just went directly to get the three big pieces of wool she liked, which was tantamount to cheating.

Yang Zimei quickly opened the Sky Eye to browse in the Gambling Stone shop, found several shops, and found that they were all ordinary fluorescent lights, until she found a small shop with red, yellow and green three Intense and shiny wool.

She was overjoyed, and quickly took it down, and then picked out a piece of glass-like violet wool, and for the rest, because she didn't have time, she randomly took a piece of wool that wouldn't turn green, and used it to cover people's eyes.

Back at the competition site, she found that Zhou Jieying was already proudly standing in front of three pieces of wool with a relatively large size and a good appearance.

Yang Zimei's celestial eyes also saw that the three pieces of wool had the luster of emeralds, two of them had good water quality, and the other piece had very thin luster, probably due to skin green.

(End of this chapter)

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