Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1475 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1475 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (98)

Being able to select such three pieces of wool in such a short period of time, it seems that Zhou Jieying really has some genuine materials.

Zhou Jieying saw that the three pieces of wool that Yang Zimei had chosen were all ordinary in appearance. However, with the lessons learned from the last time, she did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

"Now the contestants have selected the wool within a fixed time, and the next step is to start the stone analysis, and the jadeite appraiser is ready."

cried the notary.

The onlookers were discussing a lot, and some dealers even started peripheral betting and raised bets.

Because Zhou Jieying is famous, and judging from the selected wool, the odds of winning are better than Yang Zimei's three yuan, so the odds of the bet are only 1:1, while Yang Zimei's odds are 1:5.
Zeng Sihui once heard her grandfather say that the last time she played a peripheral bet in Guangyuan, she said that Murong Yunqing bet on Yang Zimei's side to win, and lost the dealer's fortune!

Therefore, this time she did not want to miss this good opportunity to make a fortune.

Most of the onlookers placed Zeng Sihui's bet because they were not optimistic about Yang Zimei. Only a few adventurous people saw the high odds on Yang Zimei's side, so they bet thousands of dollars on luck.

This time, both contestants did not use other stone interpreters, but interpreted stones themselves.

Zhou Jieying didn't have much interest in relieving stones at first, but since she saw Yang Zimei relieving stones quickly and well in Guangyuan last time, and was praised by everyone, after returning home, she didn't care about her white and tender hands, and began to practice hard. Stone comes.

After all, she is a person with a certain amount of talent, and Ling Feng had trained Jieshi in the past, but she felt tired and refused to put her heart into it.

In addition, Ling Feng also taught her inner family qigong, which made her strong enough to pick up the stone of relief.

Now, she can resolve stones in a decent way.

In order to ensure that her jadeite is in good condition, Zhou Jieying explained it carefully and meticulously.

On Yang Zimei's side, she was aggressive, looking very careless and unprofessional.

"Looking at her dissolving stones like this, even if there is emerald in it, she will destroy it. She dared to gamble with the stone princess. It's too much. I bet her 500 yuan just now. It seems that I am a loser. gone."

"That's right, I thought it was some kind of apprentice trained by a master, but it turned out to be at this level."

"It's lost."

"It doesn't matter if you lose. She looks better than Princess Gambler. She has good skin. She should be more attractive when she takes off her clothes, hehe."

Then there was a fit of obscene laughter.

Yang Zimei turned a deaf ear to it and continued with what she was doing.

Her current piece of wool cannot be green, so she can untie it casually. Anyway, it doesn't matter if Zhou Jieying wins the first game.

"It's green!"

The people on Zhou Jieying's side shouted excitedly.

Everyone looked around, only to see a faint blue-black color on the incision.

Zhou Jieying splashed clean water on it to wash it, and the indigo color became more obvious and faint, making people feel like seeing the green of the distant mountains, which is very comfortable.

"Dai Fei! And it's a water species! It's really rare!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

Ling Feng on the side was also secretly excited.

It seems that this apprentice of himself really didn't lose face, it's really a good intention to get green at the first piece.

Looking at Yang Zimei's side, it's still a white stone, not even a gleam of green.

And her saber technique is simply nonsense!
Really hope she loses!

Ling Feng secretly thought in his heart!
Zhou Jieying was also very happy to see that it was really green, but she didn't dare to take it lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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