Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1476 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1476 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (99)

"Niuniu, what should I do? Can your stone turn green?"

Zeng Sihui looked at Yang Zimei nervously and asked.


Yang Zimei replied lightly.

Zeng Sihui turned pale with shock, "Then we are doomed?"

She turned to Xuehu and begged, "Xuehu Xuehu, aren't you amazing? Hurry up and help Niuniu, turn stones into emeralds."

"I'm not a fairy."

Snow Lake said.

"Aren't you a fairy? I thought you were a fairy. You're not a fairy. Why do you look like a fairy? Really!"

Zeng Sihui rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"I'm just a demon."

Xuehu said truthfully.

"Demon? Am I still a goblin?" Zeng Sihui, who had been wandering outside and didn't know the real situation of everyone, rolled her eyes and said.

Xuehu smiled lightly.

"Wow, what a big Dai Fei!"

Someone from Zhou Jieying's side yelled again, full of excitement and envy.

Yang Zimei glanced over, the black jade that Zhou Jieying unwrapped was really good, it was the size of a woman's fist, and the rare black color gave people a noble and restrained depth, like a dignified lady .

"Master, how much do you think this is worth?"

Zhou Jieying didn't expect that she could unravel such a rare piece of black jade, and it was a water species, and it was not small in size. The joy overflowed on her face, and she became a little complacent.

Ling Feng took the jadeite over and nodded while looking at it, "The year before last, in the China-Myanmar jadeite auction, someone also unearthed a piece of jadeite, only the size of a duck egg, and it was also a water species. It was auctioned for a sky-high price of 3000 million."

After hearing this, Zhou Jieying became even more delighted, "Then my piece must be sold for at least 8000 million yuan?"

Ling Feng nodded.

"Ha ha--"

Zhou Jieying laughed happily, glanced at Yang Zimei, and found that what she had untied was a white stone, and said sarcastically, "Yang Zimei, I have already said that it is impossible for a person's luck to be so good all the time. Last time you beat me by luck, let me see how you come back this time?"

"That's right, it's impossible for people's luck to be so good all the time."

Yang Zimei said lightly from the side, "So, the next piece, you may not have such luck."


Zhou Jieying slapped herself in the face, blushing with anger, "Wait and see!"

"Well, I'll see."

Yang Zimei replied calmly, with a calm expression.

Compared with her, Zhou Jieying seemed a little impatient.

For the first piece of wool, Yang Zimei lost her bet and did not produce green at all.

Zhou Jieying was far ahead.

The second piece of wool was unwrapped. Zhou Jieying chose the black sand leather with a python belt wrapped around her waist, but the wool only cost 300 million yuan.

This kind of wool has a very high chance of turning green.

But only Yang Zimei can see it, at most she can rely on skin green.

Yang Zimei chose the black-colored shiny wool, since Zhou Jieying unwrapped Dai Fei, she will also untie a piece for everyone to see.

Peripheral gambling history is repeating itself.

Everyone was betting next week on Jieying's side, and the dealer actually increased the odds on Yang Zimei's side to 1:10.

"Niuniu, do you have any money? Do you want to bet on yourself?"

Zeng Sihui asked Yang Zimei.

Before she finished speaking, Long Zhutian and the two rich brothers and sisters ran to bet [-] million on Yang Zimei, which made the dealer tremble a few times in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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