Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1485 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1485 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (108)

"He's Thor!"

Someone in the crowd said, "Tuo, who deliberately pushed up the price! Don't believe him!"

The bidder, who was still in a blind state, immediately became sober when he heard this, as if being drenched in a basin of cold water.

They began to recall the words and deeds of the real estate agent just now, and found that it was really a lie!
No one will foolishly follow the auction anymore!
The real estate agent was sweating profusely.

"450 million once!"

The notary called out in the auction procedure.

"Four million twice!"

Seeing that no one made a sound, the real estate agent was so regretful that his intestines were green, and suddenly yelled, "I'm sorry, I won't buy it!"

After speaking, he ran away!

Anyway, this is not a formal auction house, and there is no mortgage registration. He ran away, and no one could do anything to him.

Even if Zhou Jieying held grudges and told her father, he wouldn't have to suffer such a big loss.

Seeing that the auction was about to succeed, Zhou Jieying stomped her feet angrily when the real estate agent ran away, and hurriedly said, "400 million! Who wants it?"

"400 million? Do you think everyone is a fool?"

Someone laughed.

"According to the auction rules, the first one to give up the auction will be the second one's turn. Who called 400 million just now?"

Zhou Jieying asked anxiously.

No one would hum.

Zhou Jieying had no choice but to lower the price, "380 million!"

It still attracted contempt from everyone.

The human mind is so strange and blind.

A thing, no matter how worthless it is, as long as someone grabs it, its price can be driven up to several times, dozens of times or even hundreds of times more than the original price.

However, once some people don't want it, other people will follow this mentality, thinking that if they want something that others don't want, then they are simply a fool.

Seeing that no one wanted it, Zhou Jieying became more and more anxious, "300 million!"

"30 is too much, and 300 million! It's a fool!"

someone called.

"30? 15 is too expensive for me."

"One hundred thousand is not worth it."

Listening to these discussions, Zhou Jieying's face turned blue.

The jade carving in her hand has soared to 450 million just now, and now someone says that [-] is not worth it. Man, I will be the famous God of Gamblers, and my masterpieces will increase in value along with my reputation!"

"Ha! That's enough pride and arrogance. I really haven't seen anyone bragging about themselves like this. I said Miss Zhou, I don't know if you will be a famous gambler in the future, but I will soon know that you will lose Give it to my girl, and then I have to take off my clothes and walk around here. Oops, this must be popular too, it's very popular now to take off and become famous!"

Zeng Sihui laughed happily at the side.

Zhou Jieying's face turned blue, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I will never lose, my value is definitely higher than her broken Buddha! One million, who wants it!"

"Whoever wants is a fool, unless you are willing to take off your clothes and stay with me for a month, I will still think about it!"

A slightly wretched uncle looked at Zhou Jieying's plump figure and said.


Zhou Jieying was furious, "You're so wretched, it's disgusting to look at one more time!"

"Haha, then you just wait to take off your clothes and be stared at by everyone!"

The uncle laughed viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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