Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1486 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1486 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (109)

Zhou Jieying was anxious and ashamed!
The dealer was anxious on the sidelines.

However, he is now guarded by the notary office and cannot take any action.

If he can take pictures, even if it is [-] million, he will take pictures.

Otherwise, if Yang Zimei wins, he will pay more than one billion!
"80 million!"

Zhou Jieying gritted her teeth and continued screaming.

Yang Zimei watched from the side amusedly, feeling that the evolution of the matter was really dramatic.

Other people's bidding kept raising the price, but she kept lowering it.

Zhou Jieying kept lowering the price until 20.

But still no one wanted it.

"One hundred and fifty thousand……"

Zhou Jieying yelled weakly, and her anxious eyes kept searching for buyers in the crowd.

However, no one said anything.

"Seventy thousand, I'll buy it!"

A person came out and said, "It still depends on the value of the jade itself. As for whether your carvings are valuable, it still needs to be discussed."

Seventy thousand is actually far lower than the value of this piece of jadeite, not to mention it is a handicraft. Ask yourself, the real price of this jadeite can be 15 yuan.

Being underestimated by others, Zhou Jieying trembled with anger, "[-]? Buy your head! Get lost! Auntie, I won't buy it!"

"If you don't buy it, you don't buy it, and you make bad words to hurt people! It's inexplicable."

The man muttered and stepped back.

Zhou Jieying looked around at everyone.

No one wants to pay any more.

"Master, what should we do?"

Zhou Jieying really had no choice but to pin her hopes on Ling Feng, hoping that he would help her as a God of Gamblers.

But I found that Master's face was so dark that it looked as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

Ling Feng was also angry.

He never dreamed that there would be such a dramatic scene in the auction just now.

If the jade in Zhou Jieying's hands can be bought for 200 million, then she will not lose.

In the end, she was greedy and asked others to continue chasing the price!
It's really unpopular!
If he didn't make a sound, he probably wouldn't be able to sell even [-] yuan.

However, if he assists in the auction, it is a violation of the rules of the competition, and it is directly equivalent to being eliminated directly.

"Look for yourself, Master can't help you!"

Ling Feng said to Zhou Jieying.

Zhou Jieying stomped her feet and gave up, "The one just now, 100 million, sold it to you, and I will accompany you for a month!"


The audience shouted in an uproar.

"You are crazy!"

Ling Feng didn't expect that she would sell herself openly without integrity. This is simply too embarrassing, even more embarrassing than taking off her clothes and walking on the street.

Willing to admit defeat, take off your clothes and walk on the street, even though you lose face, you will still be forgiven.

However, if one sacrifices one's own body in order to sell one's belongings, the meaning is different.

"What a jerk!" someone yelled.

"That's right, she is obviously a slut, but she is named the princess of the God of Gamblers, which is simply tarnishing this name, so why not call her a stone gambling slut!"

"I've seen a cheap one, but I've never seen such a cheap one! The God of Gamblers has such an apprentice, it's too late!"

"Publicly selling meat, shouldn't we call the police!"

"It's really disgusting. If such a person stays in our capital, it will simply affect the appearance of our capital!"


People in the country have the mentality of booing and besieging, especially those who bet heavily on Zhou Jieying's victory just now, they are even more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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