Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1497 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1497 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (120)

When Yang Zimei's finger became hot, it was like an electric shock, and it quickly spread to the whole body.

Her face instantly turned red, she bit her lower lip slightly, enjoying Long Zhutian's ambiguous gesture.

Long Zhutian didn't have any evil thoughts at this time.

He just felt sorry for her injured finger and wanted to give her some comfort.

"Brother Zhutian, you want to eat my sister's fingers!"

In this ambiguous moment, that little thing Xiaoqian came out of nowhere and shouted.

Embarrassed, Yang Zimei quickly pulled her finger back and used her vitality to heal the scar.

"Sister, remember, don't break the precept!"

Xiaoqian deliberately reminded.

Yang Zimei's ears were burning, and she said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's just that my finger is injured, and it's just helping me heal every day."

"You obviously have the ability to heal yourself. Let him treat you like this. I'm afraid that you will be healed to bed soon."

Xiao Qian said without hesitation, "I have to supervise at all times, lest you make a mistake and become eternal hatred!"

"Xiao Qian, you bastard, get out!"

Yang Zimei was so ashamed that he lifted the collar of his shirt and threw it outside the door.

"I'm doing this for your own good!"

Xiaoqian still insisted on yelling, "Ten years of hard training can't be ruined overnight. Bear with it!"


Shy and impatient, Yang Zimei slammed the door shut.

Looking up and seeing Long Zhutian's black pupils that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he panicked again, and hurriedly changed the subject, picked up the three-star jadeite statue of Fu Lu Shou, "Am I doing well?"

"very good!"

In order to avoid her embarrassment, Long Zhutian took up her topic and took the jadeite statue over, "Your great-grandfather will definitely like it."

"By the way, Zhu Tian, ​​you go to celebrate my birthday with me."

Yang Zimei took his arm and said, "It's good to introduce you to him."

"It could cause trouble."

Long Zhutian shook his head slightly and said, "After all, you are still young, and you have a boyfriend, which will give them something to talk about."

"That's right."

Yang Zimei remembered that Grandpa Zeng said that he was the one who presided over the Longmen massacre that day.

Seeing Long Zhutian now, I don't know what will happen again.

In order not to let him know the truth at that time, it is better not to meet people first, right?
If the Longmen tragedy was really caused by Long Zhutian when he was a child, it is very likely that he may have been possessed by some evil spirit at that time, so he was unconscious, and the tragedy caused by this caused him to not even know that he was the murderer.

So, absolutely don't let him know about it.

The next day, Yang Zimei got up early in the morning.

Zeng Sihui actually woke up very early, and was sitting in the courtyard chatting with Long Zhuiyue.

The two seem to be chatting very well, giggling and laughing from time to time.

Long Zhuiyue also had a cheerful smile on his pale face.

This smile is not fake, but just like the first Long Zhuiyue that Yang Zimei met.

Of course, no one can go back to the beginning.

Long Zhuiyue has also experienced many extremely disruptive events these days, especially her half-human, half-fox background, which hit her hard, so she became quite sensitive. Long Zhutian loves Yang Zimei and even loves her, which makes her very disappointed.

As a result, she became much quieter and gloomy, and it was difficult to see her cheerful laughter before.

Yang Zimei was also very sad to see her change.

Now, seeing that Long Zhuiyue and Zeng Sihui were having a good chat and were really happy, they decided not to bother them for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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