Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1498 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1498 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (121)

But when Zeng Sihui saw her, she stood up and called, "Niu Niu, get up!"

Only then did Yang Zimei realize that today's Zeng Sihui didn't wear the lively, playful and gorgeous red dress she was used to wearing. Instead, she put on a very ladylike goose-yellow dress. Her slightly curly hair was also tied into a refreshing ponytail, clean She didn't put on make-up on her face to pretend to be mature, she just put on a little lip gloss.

Long Zhuiyue heard that Yang Zimei was there, so she called out "sister-in-law".

Yang Zimei had no choice but to come over and ask, "You guys got up early in the morning to chat, what are you talking about, it seems that you have a very happy chat."

"Hehe, I'm talking about you. Zhuiyue is talking about the first time I met you in the ancient tomb. It was so thrilling, Niuniu, take me to explore the ancient tomb next time, okay?"

Zeng Sihui asked with her arms around Yang Zimei's arm.

Yang Zimei also thought of the embarrassment of everyone when he met Long Zhuiyue for the first time in the ancient tomb in the eastern suburbs of city A, so he couldn't help laughing, "I'm not a professional tomb explorer, but chasing the moon is, you Let her take you there."

"She agreed, and said that when her eyes are healed, she will take me to the tomb robbery, hehe, so excited and exciting!"

Zeng Sihui's eyes lit up, "Niu Niu, hurry up and help her heal her eyes, the three of us will go visit the grave together."

"There are ghosts."

Yang Zimei gritted her teeth on purpose.

Zeng Sihui's goose skin suddenly rose, and she shook a few times, "It's less scary."

"Not only ghosts, but also mummies, all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it, I just don't go."

Zeng Sihui hurriedly waved her hands and said, "It's really boring, you always hit people."

"Hehe, I'm afraid that you won't be able to get scared when the time comes, so I'll give you a vaccination in advance."

Yang Zimei looked her up and down, "Cousin, you look very well dressed today."

"Fuck you, your cousin and I were bad before?"

Zeng Sihui spat at her, "However, today I deliberately pretended to be a lady, otherwise, I would attract a lot of pickiness. Niuniu, do you just wear this dress?"

Yang Zimei was wearing her usual casual clothes, relaxed and at ease, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, "Yes, I just went to celebrate my birthday, and I'm not going to a dance, so I don't need to dress up?"

"It's not necessary to dress up, but if you dress so ordinary, you may be despised by some guys who only recognize clothes but not people."

"Haha, let them do whatever they want. I don't care about that."

Yang Zimei laughed.

In the previous life, when she had no good clothes to wear, she fantasized that if one day she had money, she would change into different beautiful clothes every day, wear all the famous brands, and wear all the good-looking clothes.

But now that I have money, apart from having a desire for clothes at the beginning, I don't care much about them now, I just order those made by Xia Mo's mother, which are comfortable and simple.

If it wasn't for a special situation, she wouldn't even bother to wear a skirt, and only wore casual clothes, which was convenient for practicing and walking.

"Okay, as long as you have a high level! Let's go now. If we go too late, they will say that we are rude."

Zeng Sihui said to her.


Yang Zimei looked at her empty hand, "Where's your gift?"

"It's in the room, I'll go get it now, your jade carving is ready?"

Zeng Sihui looked at the gift box in her hand and asked.


"let me see."

(End of this chapter)

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