Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1551 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1551 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (174)

Therefore, she did not hesitate to speak out her talents in front of him.

"Only understanding this is not enough for Ziliang. He will become the head of state of Huaxia in the future, so he must have a very capable and virtuous wife."

Jiang Guangzheng said critically.

"What do you need then?"

Sadako looked at him and asked.

"The ability to communicate with ease, the power of bloody wind, the courage to face difficulties together, and the demeanor of mothering the world, strengthen the ability of our Jiang family's family background."

Jiang Guangzheng looked at Zhenzi and said.


Sadako nodded and said confidently, "As long as I want to do it, there is nothing I can't do."

Jiang Guangzheng really appreciates her confidence.

Now, he discovered even more that there was a kind of light hidden under her peaceful face.

This kind of light is similar to that of Yang Zimei's, it's not sharp, but it's enough to dazzle people's eyes.

Moreover, she is more demeanor and calmer than Yang Zimei.

If I can have such a granddaughter-in-law, what can my husband ask for?
Thinking of this, and seeing Sadako again, he liked it more and more.

However, it still needs to be tested.

His fingers lightly pressed the phone in his hand.

The people outside received the signal and made a gesture.

Five masked men with guns suddenly kicked in the door, and the black muzzles of their guns were aimed at Sadako and Jiang Guangzheng.

Jiang Guangzheng deliberately pretended to be panicked and hid behind Sadako.

Sadako's face remained calm, and her pupils could not see any waves, as if she was facing a toy gun.

"Hand Jiang Guangzheng out, or shoot!"

With a hoarse voice, a masked man pointed his gun at Sadako's head and said sharply.

"Sadako, protect me!"

Jiang Guang was calling from behind.


Sadako responded lightly, and reached for a pair of chopsticks by the table, and suddenly threw out——

The attack speed of the chopsticks was actually faster than the bullets, and it ran in five directions accurately, hitting the wrists of the five people holding guns.

The five grabs fell to the ground in an instant.

Sadako spun up and kicked out with her toes, kicking the five people to the ground, unable to move.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Seeing Sadako showing this hand, Jiang Guangzheng stopped pretending, stood up and clapped his hands and shouted.

Sadako glanced back at him indifferently, ignored the five masked killers lying on the ground, and sat back in her seat.

"President Jiang, if you want to test me, you need to use at least 100 people of this level."

Sadako picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, then looked at Jiang Guangzheng and said.

Jiang Guangzheng was seen through by her, and he coughed a few times in embarrassment, making the five people get up.

The five people struggled painfully to get up, apologized and thanked Sadako, "Thank you, Miss, for your mercy."

They all knew just now that the chopsticks that hit the wrists were deliberately deflected by Sadako, otherwise, their wrists would be pierced by the chopsticks, and then they would be useless.

"Are you showing mercy?"

Jiang Guangzheng was surprised.

His five bodyguards were carefully selected from the special forces. They were trained by Jiang Ziliang, and they were more than enough to protect him at ordinary times.

But in front of Sadako, she was only slightly stronger than a baby.

This Zhenzi looked weak and weak when she was quiet, and she looked like she had no power to kill chickens, but when she moved, she was more powerful than a well-trained killer.

She said just now that at least a hundred of these people are enough to test her.

How did she make it?
(End of this chapter)

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