Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1552 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1552 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (175)

Such a person, he is actually ignorant, and wants to refuse her to enter the door of his Jiang family.

Jiang Guangzheng was secretly glad in his heart that he didn't say the words easily just now.

"Zhenzi, you've always been with Zimei? What's your relationship with her?"

Now that she can be identified as his granddaughter-in-law, Jiang Guangzheng has to find out her details.

"Master-servant relationship."

Sadako didn't hide anything, and replied.

"Which of you is the master?"

"I am a servant, and for life."


Jiang Guangzheng was a little puzzled.

Although Yang Zimei's ability is high, but this Zhenzi is not bad, why is she her servant?
"What happened between you? Why is it a master-servant relationship?"

Sadako pursed her lips and said nothing.

She felt that she should not reveal her identity as a living dead to Jiang Guangzheng.

This kind of identity is really unbelievable and unacceptable to ordinary people.

Even she herself hates this identity whose origin is unknown and cannot be predicted.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, Sadako, I like you very much now, and I would like you to go with Ziliang, but, can you tell me where you originally lived?"

Seeing that Sadako refused to answer that question, Jiang Ziliang didn't force her to ask her about her family background.

"do not know."

Sadako replied, "I have lost my memory, I don't know who it was, and I don't know where it came from."

She answered these words seamlessly, and there was no element of lying.

She had indeed lost her memory, and she did not know her specific identity.

"So that's the case."

Jiang Guangzheng was a little disappointed.

He really doesn’t like people of unknown origin entering Jiang’s house.

However, there is no other way.

In this world, apart from Yang Zimei, Zhenzi is worthy of his grandson.

Sadako lowered her eyes slightly.

Not knowing who she was before, and not knowing what changes would happen to her, has always been a headache for her.

Jiang Guangzheng also noticed her sadness.

Because he liked her, her sadness made him feel a little guilty.

Therefore, he hurriedly changed the subject, and said to her kindly, "Zhenzi, when you are free in the future, you and Ziliang will come to the head of state to see me, an old man, okay?"

Sadako nodded.

"Then let's have a meal together, the food in this clubhouse is not bad."

Jiang Guangzheng called the waiters and asked them to bring up the food.

Not long after the two started eating, the door was pushed open forcefully, Jiang Ziliang rushed in, when he saw Zhenzi and Jiang Guangzheng talking and laughing, he was slightly startled, "Grandpa, Zhenzi ,you……"

"Ziliang, you're here too, just in time, sit down and eat together."

Jiang Guang is greeting Jiang Ziliang.

Jiang Ziliang sat next to Sadako with a suspicious expression on his face, and he was slightly relieved to see her expression as usual.

"Ziliang, I chatted with Sadako just now, and I like her very much, so you can rest assured to associate with her in the future."

Jiang Guangzheng said.

Jiang Ziliang was both pleasantly surprised and suspicious, "Grandpa, are you serious?"


Jiang Guangzheng nodded, "I was prejudiced before, it was wrong. Sadako is a good girl, it is most appropriate for you to be with her."

"Thank you grandpa."

Seeing that Grandpa is finally willing to accept Sadako, Jiang Ziliang smiles.

However, he soon wondered, could this be some kind of conspiracy by grandpa?
(End of this chapter)

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