Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1574 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1574 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (197)

The sky is constantly changing.

Black, gold, and white are alternately gaining the upper hand.

There were bursts of thunder, shaking the ground and mountains, as if the whole earth was about to collapse.


Xiaoqian suddenly yelled.

The sound vibrated in the air, piercing everyone's eardrums.

The rolling thunder that was still ringing domineeringly in the air was suppressed by him, gradually became smaller and finally disappeared.

The lightning also disappeared instantly.

The black cloud gradually dissipated.

A golden sun shone down from above.

The sky began to brighten, and gradually restored tranquility, everything depends on it.


There was another cry.

However, the cry came from the top of the mountain, and it was sweet and pleasant, with a kind of joy of new life.


Yang Zimei exclaimed in surprise, "Rianyi must have succeeded!"

Hearing that cry, Xiaoqian's originally solemn expression began to relax, and her whole body began to gradually shrink again, and finally turned back into the appearance of a three-year-old child. She called out "sister" weakly, and then closed her eyes. Passed out.

"Xiao Qian!"

Yang Zimei anxiously stepped forward to check his pulse.

Finding that everything was normal, but a little weak, he breathed a sigh of relief, and poured his vitality into him.

At this time, two white figures floated down from the top of the mountain.

That white-clothed, elegant man like a banished fairy is Xuehu.

The other one looks like a three or four-year-old girl, also dressed in white, with pink makeup and black hair, and on her forehead, there is a red birthmark like a thunderbolt, which makes her look special And aura.


Yang Zimei called out to the little girl suspiciously.

Upon hearing Lianyi's name, Xiaoqian, who had passed out of a coma, quickly woke up, sat up, and asked anxiously, "Where is Lianyi? Where is my Lianyi?"

"Xiao Qian, I'm here!"

Lianyi, who had turned into a little girl, screamed joyfully, and rushed towards Xiaoqian's embrace.

Xiaoqian's body was still in a weak state, and she couldn't sit still after being rushed by her so enthusiastically, and with another poof, she fell backwards on the ground with her eyes closed, and she didn't move.

"Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian..."

Seeing Xiaoqian with pale face and closed eyes, Lianyi hugged him nervously and screamed.

"Rianyi, maybe Xiaoqian is too excited and needs artificial respiration."

Long Zhuiyue said with a smirk.

When Lianyi heard this, without thinking, she leaned forward and kissed Xiaoqian's mouth.

When Lianyi was still a little fox, everyone didn't think much of kissing Xiaoqian like this.

Now, Ripple has become a little girl.

Two children kissing together, it feels weird to anyone watching.

Sure enough, Xiaoqian woke up and stared at the close-up ripples with her eyes wide open.

When Lianyi saw him wake up, she hurriedly withdrew her mouth from his mouth, looked at him timidly, and called softly, "Xiaoqian, it's me!"


Xiaoqian looked at Lianyi excitedly, and stared at her face with bewildering eyes, "You are so beautiful!"

Lianyi's white and lovely face immediately turned red, with that kind of little girl's delicacy, anyone who saw it couldn't help but want to reach out and squeeze it.

Of course, in the eyes of Xiaoqian, a lover, she is even more lovely and beautiful.

"Xiao Qian, were you the one who saved me just now?"

Lianyi habitually reached out and hugged Xiaoqian's neck affectionately.

(End of this chapter)

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