Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1575 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1575 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (198)

Xiaoqian nodded, and then said to her solemnly, "Lianyi, remember what I said, you must tell me if you have anything to do in the future, we are one, and we must share blessings and adversities together, no matter what I will always protect you unconditionally."

Lianyi looked at him moved and nodded, "Well. I wanted to avoid you just now because I was afraid that I would not be able to transform into a human form smoothly, and I was also afraid that I would become ugly."

"Even if you become a pile of cow dung, in my mind, you are the most beautiful."

Xiaoqian looked at Lianyi, with eyes full of expression.

"Xiao Qian—"

Lianyi was so moved that she hugged Xiaoqian again and kissed him on the cheek a few times.

Xiaoqian also leaned in to kiss her.

The two rolled into a ball again as before, playing non-stop, very happy.

Seeing Xiao Qian like this, no one could imagine that he just now became an adult, and he still has that heaven-defying power.

What is this Xiaoqian's identity?
Yang Zimei also wanted to explore Xiaoqian's life experience before, but now this desire is particularly strong.

"Ripple is lucky!"

Xuehu said to her from the side.

Yang Zimei looked back at Snow Lake.

Just now I have been paying attention to Lianyi, but I haven't looked at Xuehu seriously.

Noticing that his face was slightly pale, he unconsciously reached out to touch his fingers.

His fingers were also slightly cold.

"Xuehu, are you alright?"

Yang Zimei looked at him with concern and asked.

Xuehu shook his head slightly, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired. The seven-color light just now should belong to Xiaoqian, right? Without him, it would be difficult for me to resist the catastrophe that Lianyi suffered this time."


Yang Zimei nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard. I'm also very happy to see everyone. It's just that I didn't think much about it. Ripple turned into a human form, and it will be so small. Generally speaking, our fox clan cultivates a human form, at least 15 years old. Looks like the above."

Xuehu looked at Lianyi who was playing with Xiaoqian and said, "This girl's spiritual power is not weak, she really deserves to be the king of the fox clan."

"She turned into such a small appearance, probably because of Xiaoqian."

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "If she looks like a teenager and Xiaoqian looks like she's only three years old, it will be weird if they walk together."


Xuehu nodded.

"However, Lianyi has not completely passed the catastrophe of cultivation this time, and has to suffer it again. The situation next time will be more dangerous than this time. If she is unable to resist, she may die."

Xuehu whispered to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei's heart sank, and she looked at Xiaoqian and Lianyi worriedly, "Does Lianyi know?"


"When will that be?"

"Maybe in the past few years, maybe decades, or maybe hundreds of years later, this is not necessarily the case, it depends on the growth of Lianyi's spiritual power. When her hair naturally grows to her heels, she just has to accept it." During a catastrophe."

Xuehu explained.

Yang Zimei saw that Lianyi's hair was still very short, it only reached the ears, and it would take some time for it to grow to the heels.

For things that haven't happened yet, she doesn't want to worry too much in advance.

The future is too slim, the most important thing is to cherish the present and grasp the present well.

Xiaoqian and Lianyi had almost finished playing, so they came to Yang Zimei hand in hand.

"Lianyi, be good, show my sister a closer look!"

(End of this chapter)

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