Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1604 Lanxi's Black and White Face

Chapter 1604 Lanxi's Black and White Face (3)

Yang Zimei reached out to hug Lan Xi from Xuehu's arms, but was stopped by Xuehu, "It's okay, I'll just hug this child, you take a rest."

Yang Zimei looked at Xuehu in surprise.

Except for himself, Xuehu has never been willing to have physical contact with other people, even Xiaoqian, he would not stretch out his hand.

Now, he was actually willing to let Lan Xi lie in his arms for so long, and he didn't show any signs of impatience, which really surprised her.

Rong Lanxi curled up in Xuehu's arms, totally unaware that her face had turned into a Raksha face half black and half white, sleeping peacefully and comfortably, like a kitten curled up in its owner's arms.

One of Xuehu's hands also circled her naturally, and the other hand unconsciously patted her back lightly, with a very natural movement and expression, and there was even that kind of expression on that peaceful face. The tenderness that can only be faced with oneself.

Xuehu likes Lanxi so much?

Yang Zimei muttered in her heart.


At this time, Rong Lanxi woke up leisurely, opened her eyes to look at Yang Zimei, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and asked softly, "Sister, where is this? Why did I fall asleep?"

She found that her nostrils smelled a very comfortable fragrance, and she seemed to be in a very comfortable embrace. When she looked up and saw that she was actually in the arms of a strange man, she immediately jumped up in fright, stared at Xuehu and asked. , "Who are you? How do you hug someone?"

"Lanxi, this is brother Xuehu, sister's friend, don't panic."

Yang Zimei took Rong Lanxi's hand and said.

"is it?"

Rong Lanxi's pupils lost their guard, glanced at Xuehu, then turned to ask Yang Zimei, "Sister, why did I fall asleep in his arms? I'm obviously waiting for you and grandpa at the hospital gate."

"I was going to ask you, why did you leave the hospital? Did you meet any strange people?"

Yang Zimei asked.


Rong Lanxi thought for a while, "That's right, I met a strange old man. The old man's face was black on one side and white on the other, which scared some children to tears."

Yang Zimei's heart shuddered again.

"and after?"

"Then he came up to me and asked me if he was ugly."

Rong Lanxi said innocently, "It's strange that his face is black on one side and white on the other, but I don't think he's ugly. What's more, even if he is ugly, I can't directly call him ugly. It's very impolite. of."

"what do you say?"

Yang Zimei asked nervously.

"I just said he's not ugly."

"and after?"

"Later he asked if I would play with him." Rong Lanxi thought for a while and said, "I should have told him that I want to wait for my grandfather and sister where I am, and I can't just go and play."

"What's next?"

"Then he said that he could get rid of the pain of one side being black and one white, but he had to find another person to replace him. He asked if I would like to be a replacement."

Rong Lanxi said with some confusion, "I rejected him at that time, saying that I was still young, and if my face looked like that, many people would dislike me. Then he shed tears very sadly, saying that his face was young In this way, I have never had any friends, and no one is willing to approach him. He is very painful. I also felt very uncomfortable when I heard it, so I nodded casually. If I can find someone to replace me, then I will replace you. After finishing speaking , I feel dizzy."

Yang Zimei was shocked when he heard that.

[I recommend my friend Bai Gu Sanqian's "Money Lovely Concubine: The Prince and Husband Lose Money", and see how the little goblin can be seductive, hehe. 】

(End of this chapter)

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