Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1605 Lanxi's Black and White Face

Chapter 1605 Lanxi's Black and White Face (4)

"Xuehu, how do you explain this?"

Seeing Xuehu's thoughtful look, Yang Zimei blinked and asked.

Xuehu looked at Rong Lanxi's face, which was black on one side and white on the other, "It might just be a joke!"

"a joke?"

Yang Zimei frowned, "Who made such a joke? Or, who has the ability to make such a joke?"

"God tribe."

Snow Lake replied.

Yang Zimei blinked, "Protoss?"

Xuehu nodded, "The big reason is to save this child."


Yang Zimei wanted to ask him what danger Lanxi was in, but seeing Lanxi nearby, it was inconvenient to ask. She was worried that she would be afraid, so she let Lanxi stay here, and she dragged Xuehu to the other side to talk.

"Xuehu, what danger will Lanxi face?"

Yang Zimei asked anxiously.

"According to Lan Xi's vital signs, she should die today."

Xuehu said lightly.

Yang Zimei's heart sank, "Why?"

"Ha ha--"

Xuehu laughed, stretched out his hand to touch her head, and said dotingly, "You silly girl, aren't you a physicist? Life and death are predetermined, why do you ask me why?"

Yang Zimei's face was slightly red, and she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Indeed, people live a lifetime, some people will live longer, some people will be like a flash in the pan, each has its own definite number, it is really stupid to ask yourself why, it is against my professionalism.

"However, Lan Xi is still alive because of the black mark on his face?"

Yang Zimei was not ashamed to ask.

Xuehu nodded, "Her face, on the surface, is half black and half white, but in fact, it also represents the two worlds of yin and yang, so that the bull-headed and horse-faced face cannot capture her soul, so that she can continue to live freely. "

"So that's the case--"

Yang Zimei breathed a sigh of relief, "This is Lanxi's blessing! I really want to know who that old man is."

Xuehu's eyelids drooped slightly.

Yang Zimei felt something was wrong, and shook his arm and asked, "Xuehu, do you know who he is?"

"can not confirm."

"Xuehu, you never let other people get close to you, why are you hugging Lanxi?"

Yang Zimei asked her own question.

Maybe it's because she is selfish and possessive, subconsciously, Xuehu should only be close to her alone.

Just now I saw that Xuehu's attitude towards Lanxi was a little different. Even though Lanxi was her favorite cousin, she felt somewhat uncomfortable, as if her favorite toy had been taken away by someone.

However, she didn't show it.

Because she knew that her mentality was very wrong.

What I love is Long Zhutian, and it is Long Zhutian who wants to be a couple for life.

She couldn't be so selfish to interfere with Xuehu's emotional freedom.

"Hehe, silly girl—"

Xuehu reached out and touched her head, "That's because she is your sister. Also, someone left an aura on her that I miss."

"Isn't it because you like Lanxi?"

Yang Zimei asked nervously.

"Of course not. In this world, except for you, silly girl, I can't say whether I like or dislike anyone else. To me, everything is like stones and plants."

In Xuehu's blue pupils, she blinked at Yang Zimei with a loving and gentle light.

(End of this chapter)

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