Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1606 Lanxi's Black and White Face

Chapter 1606 Lanxi's Black and White Face (5)

Yang Zimei's heart melted like sugar.

"Xuehu, so the aura that makes you nostalgic is related to the old man with the black and white face that Lan Xi mentioned?"

Yang Zimei asked.

Xuehu nodded, "That breath is very similar to my great-grandfather. My great-grandfather's face was black on one side and white on the other."

"Isn't your great-grandfather a fox clan? Why did you say that Lanxi's face was a joke of the god clan just now?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

"My great-grandfather was a protoss, and my great-grandmother was a fox."

The tone of Xuehu's words seemed to be light, but with a touch of sadness.

"The combination between the gods and the demons."

Yang Zimei didn't notice the sadness in Xuehu, but nodded, and said casually, "Does love between different races have to endure many obstacles?"

Looking up after speaking, Fang found that the sadness on Xuehu's face seemed a little heavy.

"Xuehu, what's the matter? Were your great-grandfather and great-grandmother unlucky later?"

Yang Zimei asked with concern.

Xuehu nodded, "Great-grandfather was demoted to the human world. We must find someone who is willing to bear the black and white color on his face, then he can lift the curse and return to the Protoss. My great-grandmother doesn't know where she was imprisoned by the Protoss." , I have searched for tens of thousands of years, but I can't find her trace."

"So that's the case--"

Seeing the sadness on his face, Yang Zimei unconsciously followed his example and reached out to touch his head.

With a rustling sound, Xuehu turned into a little fox, jumped into her arms, curled up in a helpless and weak manner, and closed her eyes.

Yang Zimei hugged him and stroked his smooth fur, but his heart was full of emotions.

Xuehu, who has practiced for tens of thousands of years, looks very strong and invincible, but there are also times when he is helpless and weak, and wants to rely on it.

Xuehu curled up in her arms for a while, then Fang opened his eyes and said, "If that black-and-white-faced old man is my great-grandfather, if he finds Lanxi who is willing to replace him, then he will also lift the curse, and now it's time to find me great-grandmother."

"That's a good thing."

Yang Zimei said happily, "Lanxi's kindness not only helped your great-grandfather, but also helped herself. This is the best of both worlds. When your great-grandfather finds your great-grandmother, your family will be able to reunite together." gone."

Xuehu's pupils dimmed again, she continued to close her eyes, and curled up in Yang Zimei's arms for a while.

At this moment, Rong Lanxi's panicked screams came from outside.

Xuehu immediately turned into a human form, jumped out from Yang Zimei's arms, and Yang Zimei followed suit.

I saw Rong Lanxi picking up small stones and throwing them into the goldfish pond with a panicked face, muttering, "That's not me, that must not be me."

Yang Zimei knew that she saw her face turned black and white in the water, so she hurried forward.

"elder sister--"

When Rong Lanxi saw Yang Zimei, as if he saw a savior, he immediately threw himself into her arms, grabbed her clothes and said, "Sister, tell me quickly, my face hasn't turned black."

Yang Zimei touched her head and said, "Lanxi, didn't you promise that old man before that you would punish him for the reason and make your face black?"

"I...that's what I said, but I didn't expect it to be like this. Huh, sister, I don't want to turn into a black and white face. It's so scary and ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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