Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1607 Lanxi's Black and White Face

Chapter 1607 Lanxi's Black and White Face (6)

Not to mention that Rong Lanxi is only a ten-year-old child, even if he is an adult, no one can accept his face like this.

"Lanxi, don't be afraid, just think about it, wasn't that old man very pitiful before?"

Yang Zimei induced.

Rong Lanxi nodded, "He said that since he was a child, no one has been willing to approach him and make friends."

"If you don't want this black and white face, he will become a very poor old man again. No one will approach him, no one will care about him, and even if he dies, no one will know."

"This one……"

Rong Lanxi's big clear eyes blinked in embarrassment, "But I don't want to become like this, I'm afraid that no one will come near me, I have no friends, I will be alone all my life, sister, what should I do? My teachers What if my classmates and friends don’t want me?”

"Lanxi, let me ask you again, if one day, your friend suddenly looks like you, and her face turns ugly, is she not your friend anymore? Are you unwilling to get close to her?"

"No. A friend is a friend. I can't stop being a friend just because she's ugly."

Rong Lanxi shook his head.

"That's right. Since we are friends, your friends and classmates will not want you to be friends because you are ugly. For example, no matter what you become, you are still my sister. I can't despise you." yours."

Yang Zimei said.

Rong Lanxi nodded, and reached out to touch her face, "But, I have become so ugly, do I still feel uncomfortable?"

"Lanxi, in this world, everything is like a double-edged sword. If you gain something, you will lose it. Your face looks like this. On the surface, it seems to be a bad thing, but it may actually be a good thing. For example, you can filter out those Inauthentic friends who only care about your looks can also make you look different, very unique."

"elder sister--"

No matter what Yang Zimei said, Rong Lanxi still couldn't accept it, she asked a little aggrieved, "Will I be like this forever?"

"I don't know about this either. Maybe it will be like this, maybe one day, you will become very beautiful because of this. In short, you have to be calm and brave, and believe that there will be miracles on you."

Yang Zimei patted her head and said.


Rong Lanxi lowered her head, "Grandpa often said to me that if you really can't change some things, you have to accept them. No matter how much I cry or make trouble now, I can't change this face, so I have to accept it, like As you said, wait for a miracle to come."

"It's so cute!"

Yang Zimei stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms.

Rong Lanxi can see that the Rong family's family education is really good.

Such a small child is so kind and open-minded.

She is really happy that she is the blood of the Rong family.

Yang Zimei sent Rong Lanxi back to the Rong family.

Everyone saw that Rong Lanxi had become like this, and they didn't dare to exclaim in front of her, but quietly pulled Yang Zimei to ask what happened.

Yang Zimei also briefly said that Lanxi's fate was over, and by chance, she met a mysterious person who branded her with a yin and yang brand, so as to avoid the bull's head and horse face.

Because that half of Lan Xi's face is too ordinary, and it's not something that ordinary people can do. Therefore, the Rong family believed her words, and they were very grateful to Lan Xi for having such an adventure.

It doesn't matter if your face becomes ugly, the key is to be alive, that's the best thing.

Yang Zimei was moved and gratified by the Rong family's tolerance and open-mindedness.

(End of this chapter)

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